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ferret feed

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must admit i was wondering,tripe for my workers,ferrets dogs.10 euro a barrell fresh from the cow,feeds all my stock for the week,cheap or what?6 dogs and 2 ferrets all fed for 10 quid :clapper:

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ive been considering feeding rats as well as we have a constant supply for our bop,since i know were they came from and ours hunt them regular cant see any harm in feeding them as well as some quail :hmm: have been told by a few that doc's are a bit low in protein/calcium any one else feed rats/quail?wh2

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ive been feeding mine doc for years ,i give them once or twice a week ,rabbit or pigeon other days ,i find them great for kits as they easily get through the bones and there is less chance of the small ones missing out on any food cos of the greedy ones as they are a nice portion size ,its like anything everything in moderation you wouldnt do very well eating the same food day in day out

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sorry jigsaw bird of prey thanks kay :D all our ferrets are fed on a varied diet from hearts,liver,mince,rabbit/pidgeon rats chicken dry food ect but never tried the day old chicks out of curiosity any one use supplements?as in vitamins/calcium powder when feeding docs?wh2

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