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I usually put a gutted rabbit in for the pups to suck on. leave the fur on. This is one reason I don't bed pups on shavings, paper or anything that the pups can swallow along with their meat.


If you haven't got a rabbit or several LOL, then minced beef with a bit of hot water poured on to make it really sloppy will do fine, but I do like to see them slurp away at a carcase: you won't get a pup that sits back and says it doesn't like a carcase, whereas some pups are reluctant to stick their heads in a bowl of slurry type mush.

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I start with weetabix and raw finely minced meat and warmed water i use fronzen meat to kill off all the germs first. then by 4/5weeks old i skin the rabbits and drop it into boiling water for 30 seconds then let it cool down and drop it in with the pups watch it vanish i give them raw fish to gives them a good start



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i was just woundering what i should wean my pups onto first it is our first litter of pups and not shore what to start with any help would be much apreciated

put sopme complete puppy food (good quality) in a bowl and cover in boiling water. Once its soft, stir in some scrapped minced beef (if raw then freeze it and defrost it) or minced tripe or similar, when its just slightly warm I add Royal canin 1st age milk and serve up......they love it!! Be prepared to waste a lot as the pups like to roll in it and march through it rather than eat it at 1st. I use cake sandwich tins that are about an inch deep and have 3 or 4 pup per dish at 3 weeks old.

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