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antis putting big posters up,have a look

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was on bebo and went on a anti hunt thing and a pro had said they had seen this poster as they went up, what to me looked like some escualtors up from a underground train station....you can comment on it......how are they aloud to put this up when it is blaintantly biased? :blink:




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was on bebo and went on a anti hunt thing and a pro had said they had seen this poster as they went up, what to me looked like some escualtors up from a underground train station....you can comment on it......how are they aloud to put this up when it is blaintantly biased? :blink:




F**k S**T F**k S**T F**k S**T F**k S**T F**k S**T F**k S**T F**k S**T F**k S**T F**k S**T F**k S**T

I ACCIDENTLY CLICKED BRUTALITY :icon_redface: :icon_redface:

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i recon its a great poster..if i could get a copy i would have it framed and put on my study wall......if these people are stopped from having freedom of speech when will we??......for every way of life,belief and opinion there will always be an opposite view....the end to hunting will come because we hunters fighting and falling out.....

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hey JPL time to get another post up asking people on here to vote on it, that will soon sort it out!





i dont see what there is to vote for?? the poster showed some men and a rather plump women riding horse's in silly red coats...personally they could ride them in the nude for all i care....i suppose it could be classed as brutal for that poor horse carrying all that weight of the women....yes ban them...poor horse ;):D:o

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woz proposes "ban all big arse women on horses" who agrees



steady on hear!!! if all fat arsed horsey women were banned my mrs wouldnt have anything to do and would be mythering me all day :clapper::clapper::clapper:

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woz proposes "ban all big arse women on horses" who agrees



steady on hear!!! if all fat arsed horsey women were banned my mrs wouldnt have anything to do and would be mythering me all day :clapper::clapper::clapper:


lmao mate


has she seen this post

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woz proposes "ban all big arse women on horses" who agrees



steady on hear!!! if all fat arsed horsey women were banned my mrs wouldnt have anything to do and would be mythering me all day :clapper::clapper::clapper:


lmao mate


has she seen this post


are you mad??? mrs woz is in wales visiting the mother inlaw.........by the time she returns this thread will be done and dusted and resined to the history of thl..... :clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper: ..........unless she use's her moms pc and my user name and password..if so im in the sh*t ;):D:angry::blink:

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I like the fact that most of the comments are now by PRO hunting people!! seems that the voting is not going to go the way they planned!!



how do you know im pro hunting?? i could be an anti.....i would of thought you will get a majority of pro hunting comments on a forum like this......why not post it on the alf forum and see what opinions you get..............

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