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well bred coursing dog nearly 12 months old

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bought this 2 weeks ago the bring it on through the summer with my 10 month old bitch pup but my circumstances have changed and i sadly got to let this dog go .got him of stevolad from this site i.m after 200 for the dog what i paid for him he owes me 270 with k9 transport bringing him to hampshire from county durham .HERES BRYN NETTLEXPUP DOGring 07796547576brynpupxnettle.jpgbryn1pupxnettle.jpg PUP DOG SUSIEXCAULFIELDS JOE caulfieldsjoeir2-1.jpgCAULFEILDS JOE!!This dog was bred out of Beanie x Swoop

Beanie was a 1st cross Saluki/Greyhound bred out of Angie (pure saluki Tepe De Gawra Breeding, sister to Gallaghers Brigorn) x Ballyregan Bob

Swoop was bred direct out of Merlin x Eve


SUSIE was bred out of Nuttals SEAGAL x F.Holmes CHARLIE She is full litter sister to Nuttal's Snowy e309676.gif PART 2 NETTLE THE DAM nettlebrynbredoutof.jpgDam = Nettle

Nettle bred from Scout x Kim

Scout bred from The Streetwalker (saluki cross) x Cheeky

Cheeky bred from Irish Bobs Rambo

Rambo = Greyhound/Bull x Saluki

Kim pure saluki bred from Cruise of Shildon -delighful lady

Cruise of Shildon was bred from Sire Ringsfield Pharoh Dam Kizzy of Barkstead !!thepupdogxnettle.jpg

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wasnt having a go mate just wondered why you wanted an extra £150 on epupz if you saying you seling it for what you payed it at £200

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