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You can get loads for £100:

As you dont say of you are using a springer or FAC airweapon I'll assume its a Springer as its typically the first to get.


If you are purchasing for day light shooting then look to Tasco or Bushnell and you wont need to have a large aperture ( say 32 - 40 ) will be fine

You can consider even fixed magnification too as parallex wont help too much as you dont have great range:


Give your local gun room a call if they have optics off old weapons that arent shifting and will sell cheap:


If looking on Ebay ( spit ) then DO NOT BUY FROM CHINA .. enough said:


Also stick a 'wanted' in the Buy and Sell section of this forum

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  peter009988 said:
looking to buy a new scope for my air rifle and woundering what to get been looking at special offers on some internet shops only really want to spent £100

Hi mate!! get on flea bay and get a tasco scope from hong kong!!! i got one its on the rimmy and its not lost its zero and i dont that well!! and the best thing it only cost £30

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