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Problem in Permission

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Well I was at some of my permission which is a guy's garden that has a good few warrens and had a heap of rabbits. When I got there usually you can see them all jump underground but nothing then. I headed out towards a few of the usual spots that usually hold a nice number and put my best jill down and came out with nothing. After working around a few more with no luck i headed up to one that I decided would be good for the dog to have a few courses. It had a wee bit of cover and was dug under a 'rabbit proof fence' which clearly didnt work so the owners plants were all lovely and destroyed. I popped in my slim but big hob to bolt a few for harry and he came shooting past me and away chattering away. I looked down the hole and staring back at me was one heafing big ferret with a neck about 4 inches thick, polecat ferret coulring and must of been nearly twice the size of my hob who is over a foot long himself! At first looking at its face it looked like my other hob so I shouted to my mate to check the box for 'Bandit' but he was in there sound a sleep. 'Shite thats where all the rabbits went' i thought. You could actually smell them as well it werent nice. He shot back down and I spent a half hour tracking my other ferret who'd ran off in fear lol. I thought that if I was to put Bandit down he'd shift it as he's very ferret aggressive (other than his Bro) so down he shot and a minute later I heard the comotion going on underground so I got a mark on the locator he was only 2 feet. Started digging... not getting any where at all the ground was just thick roots, rocks and sandstone. I had my shitty wee micro shovel as I didnt expect any tough digs (my mistake). After 5 mins of panicking I saw Bandit drag himself out of the hole with blood on his right ear and he was panting away. I never seen the feral again but Im sure he was still writhing around underground as I could hear a rumbly noise and coughing. I stuck bandit in the near by stream for a drink and he had a wee swin to cool off as well.

Im still to speak with but he's my mother's friend and she told him about it and he's worried about his cats as they are only kittens (quite wee) and I would have thought they would be easy prey for a large hob especially as mean as him he also has a few spots with martens and other endangered mammals/birds so a feral ferret is a bit of a threat. I mentioned that I could trap him and see what he was like with poeple if he was fine I might try him a bit or give to the local rescue in Ellon but if not what would yous recomend? A bullet or relocation? Personally I think dispatching it would be best as he would put the environment out of balance but I want to see what would be best.




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  richie said:
  mattydski said:
If you want to get him out of the hole and in to a trap, you could lure him out with a female in season..Perhaps in a two compartent live trap or something similar.. :hmm:



good idea that...


Not bad actually did cross my mind but the only problem is that all of my jills came in early and are either with kits or had phantom pregnancy.


Noddy he didnt seem too aggressive towards me when he came out just didnt want my hob in his territory. He just looked at me and then went back in no hissing or spitting like other ferrets iv met/had that had a go at me. So there could still be hope...




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  noddy6560 said:
contact Steve and Linda at Tayside ferret rescue


Funny that this post has come up! Steve & I were out last weekend & had a similar incident on a neighbouring farm.................Steve's hob Magoo came out of a bury with a cut to his neck & almost collapsed a few feet from the bury! My hob Pounce went down & immediately came back up, but my wee jill Chuckles shot down & wasn't seen for about half an hour...................we ended up digging for her & she came back up with her neck well-ragged & her back end soaking wet.


We reckon there was a hob in there, so we've had a live-capture trap (baited with a dead bun) down over the last week. No joy though, so it looks as though whatever was there has now moved on (makes sense as the bury now appears empty, even though the last two works have resulted in bolters)


Would've liked to have known what's tagged my jill though...................though with my luck it'll have been some three-legged, one-eyed retard of a ferret with a behaviour problem!


As for your 'rogue'? Don't know if you've tried the old trick of 'fishing' for him with a freshly-killed & opened rabbit?...............takes a bit of balls with an unknown though, and of course it depends entirely on whether he's still there.................The idea is to open the gut of a fresh kill, then push it as far down a bury as you can get your arm & wait for the fert to take hold..........if he's in there he'll have a go & you should then be able to draw him out. What you do with him then is entirely up to him, I guess, but if he's been left by someone then he shouldn't be too unmanageable, I'd wager. Let us know how you get on?

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  Coneytrappr said:
Likey not a feral but a lost worker- catch him and see if he handles well. Give him a few days to settle down and see- you might score yourself a decent ferret!


wow this is ironic! yesterday i lost one of my ferrets he escaped with his friend out of the spare hutch when i was cleaning the main one, i found my poley on the lawn but my albino went wandering and was picked up on the road by some nice runners (close one). anyway i lifted all my trap when he escaped except for my snares a miles or so away. and when i went to check them this morning i had caught a poley but as i was getting colse he broke from the snare(after chewing it) and ran away.


he weas huge and looked in brilliant condition conmsidering the stay in the snare. i was kind of gutted as i would happily have been bitten to rehome a run away ferret

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  Quixote said:
  noddy6560 said:
contact Steve and Linda at Tayside ferret rescue


Funny that this post has come up! Steve & I were out last weekend & had a similar incident on a neighbouring farm.................Steve's hob Magoo came out of a bury with a cut to his neck & almost collapsed a few feet from the bury! My hob Pounce went down & immediately came back up, but my wee jill Chuckles shot down & wasn't seen for about half an hour...................we ended up digging for her & she came back up with her neck well-ragged & her back end soaking wet.


We reckon there was a hob in there, so we've had a live-capture trap (baited with a dead bun) down over the last week. No joy though, so it looks as though whatever was there has now moved on (makes sense as the bury now appears empty, even though the last two works have resulted in bolters)


Would've liked to have known what's tagged my jill though...................though with my luck it'll have been some three-legged, one-eyed retard of a ferret with a behaviour problem!


As for your 'rogue'? Don't know if you've tried the old trick of 'fishing' for him with a freshly-killed & opened rabbit?...............takes a bit of balls with an unknown though, and of course it depends entirely on whether he's still there.................The idea is to open the gut of a fresh kill, then push it as far down a bury as you can get your arm & wait for the fert to take hold..........if he's in there he'll have a go & you should then be able to draw him out. What you do with him then is entirely up to him, I guess, but if he's been left by someone then he shouldn't be too unmanageable, I'd wager. Let us know how you get on?


Simular to the method above is too do the same except to save your fingers put the fresh guts into a pair of tights and throw it down the hole as far as you can when feel a tug pull it out and see whats on the end.

Edited by koldi
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  koldi said:
Simular to the method above is too do the same except to save your fingers put the fresh guts into a pair of tights and throw it down the hole as far as you can when feel a tug pull it out and see whats on the end.


Good idea..............think my image would suffer a wee bit if a pair of tights was part of my regular ferreting apparel though :hmm: Lol


Incidentally? Steve found a huge fitch hob dead on the road not far from where his hob was attacked & my jill ragged...............looks like he was most likely the culprit. Damn shame as he was in excellent condition. Nails recently trimmed, decent coat. Someone's obviously lost a good fert :(

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  ellir0305 said:
  Big bald beautiful said:
set a fenn trap


but if its an escaped pet it could be a good workerim intruiged by the one i snared now any tips for catching it alive?

It could also be a wild polecat. :hmm:

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