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our lurchers skinned one of her stopper pads when a rabbit got up right in front of her and she coursed it on hard ground apart from putting plastic skin over it till it heals should i be doing anything else ??

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  The one said:
our lurchers skinned one of her stopper pads when a rabbit got up right in front of her and she coursed it on hard ground apart from putting plastic skin over it till it heals should i be doing anything else ??


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It just happened to mine, bandaged it up everyday but it didnt stick back together. There was just a little flap hanging off. I left the bandages off and kept cleaning it and it just dropped of.. You can't even see where it joined now.


All the best

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All of our running dogs completely tear off or severely skin their stoppers due to some hard terrain here, we clean them well with salt water and sometimes diluted iodine (use a soft brush or soft toothbrush to clean out the grit thoroughly), and keep it clean and dry. Bandaging can hold too much moisture, you need to let the air get to it. We use an ointment called Natures Edge (I think) when something looks bad enough.

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Be bloody careful with stopper pad injuries, just had my bitch off work for nearly 4 months due to one. She sliced right across below it and up one side, it was half off. Got it stitched rested her three weeks and as soon as she went off the lead it burst open again. That happened twice and ruined most of last season for her, after the last time i got it sown up and have lead walked her for 7 weeks. She has healed well now but still bandage her before she in excersized just in case!


Good luck!

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I've had my dog partially tear one off. Next time I ran him I taped it to protect until it's completely healed. I would do that with any wound that was not completely healed up.


I think it took over a month for his to heal but it did heal up.




  Tyla said:
Be bloody careful with stopper pad injuries, just had my bitch off work for nearly 4 months due to one. She sliced right across below it and up one side, it was half off. Got it stitched rested her three weeks and as soon as she went off the lead it burst open again. That happened twice and ruined most of last season for her, after the last time i got it sown up and have lead walked her for 7 weeks. She has healed well now but still bandage her before she in excersized just in case!


Good luck!

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