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  gnasher16 said:
  WILF said:
The truth is the truth Gnasher........its not slagging, just telling it like it is.



May i ask what brought you to form such an opinion of charlie kray ?


Told by someone who,s opinion I trust.


Now this started as a thread about Ronnie Biggs, but then other names got brought into it.......now lets have this right, the Kray brothers were not latter day Robin Hoods, they were fecking bullys who thought nothing of hurting innocent people when they had a mob backing them up....


One of these bullys like shafting young men, the other developed a taste for it once inside for a few years and the other lived off his brothers reputation........


There is feck all to respect about any of that and if it was a gang of black yardies everyone would be saying let them rot in jail till they die..........

Edited by WILF
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  WILF said:
Told by someone who,s opinion I trust.


Like i say....how easy to slag off dead people,especially dead people you never knew........never heard a bad word said about the man and he was well known as a stand up guy and a gentleman who had the tragedy of having to bury his son as well as a big bunch of other " bad luck "...doing a 10 year sentance quietly for having the wrong surname is no mean feat either........complete f*****g idiot ? i guess not many of us could live up to your standards eh :notworthy:

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[quote name='WILF' date='Apr 19 2009, 12:23 AM' post='1014783'


No, not many ;)



Says it all really......i wont pick to pieces what you just edited on as im certainly no kray groupie i just find cheap shots at folk no longer around just that,cheap....especially local folk......its a shame you dont walk your own straight line wilf...." truth is the truth " and all that...instead of what a mate told you !

Edited by gnasher16
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  tony85 said:
  Ratman2 said:
Lets not forget that one of the trains staff was so badly beaten he had extensive brain damage, and if I remember correctly he died from his injuries.

Ronnie Biggs........let him rot in jail.

ROB THE RICH RICH TO FEED THE POOR.thats all he woz doin :D:D:D:D


Lets not forget the above............ This man was doing his job when he was attacked. He died in 1970 from leaukamia but suffered severe brain damage i think they call it attempted murder. As for robbing the rich to feed the poor. You could say that about people who steal dogs from members of this site which are often posted and referred to as as scum and low life's these thieves only sell them on and make a bit of profit for themselves and feed they're poor hungry families............... :angry: There is no morals for stealing. I could imagine the uproar if it was your money they stole and the bank said we cant pay you out. He should have stay in jail. Anyway he swanned about in Spain for several years living the high life. Then when he gets ill wants to come back to this country for some free health care. F**K HIM.

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Theres a lot of people in gaol who have done their time but are still there. When you look at society now and the leanency of some judges towards certain types of criminals eg peados and rapists. And you look at some of the senences past in the sixties towards the likes of the krays, Richardsons and the great train robbers it makes you wonder.


They make an example of Ronnei Biggs because he managed to shaft the system for so long, He escaped and went on the run and never served his full sentance which is why they keep him still. But enough is enough let the poor old sod out for his last little time he has.


It always makes me wonder why so many people glamourise the like of the krays etc. I think you will find people that are fasinated with that kind of lifestyle of being a gangster are normally very boring little people who probably got bullied at school and have little social skills. To look up to the exploits of such men to me is a little bizzare to say the least. Not because i am against them but simply because its history now.




Little ditty for you all

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  Catcher said:
  beagle1812 said:
  scent said:
  beagle1812 said:
  RaiderBoy said:
what did he do


He was a train robber, a long time ago, he's an old man now. was on the run for ages.


I'm sure there will be a film about it one day (if it hasn't already been done).

the films called buster if im correct and i think he should be freed



oh yeah, I remember the film with Phil Collins. Well done mate.



You have to remember thease men got 30 year for robbery .Why because the goverment had to show that no one could steal from the crown and get away with it.they were scape goats.Most people get about 10 year for murder.I will say it again the goverment in this country are in to line there own pockets And to hell with the rest of us.when was the last time you where asked what the goverment should do about anything.It must have been pre war.atb.catcher



Whoa Catcher me ol' mucker!

They got 30 yrs for "Armed robbery". A guard died consequently from being whacked over the head. Leukemia, pneumonia whatever it cannot be denied it was a contributing factor. He suffered brain damage. Had he lived how would he have felt if Ronnie was released early?

Also, he never served his time. He lived in Brazil for years, now he's ill he want home and a potential money earner on the celebrity circuit!

Please (I know it wasn't you Catch) don't bring the film Buster into it. Do you really think that was a true portrail of the events? Was Braveheart?!

They were thugs who got caught and its the glamourisation of such characters that make certain crimes "acceptable" socially. If he has to be made an example then so be it. Its the chance you take when you go down that particular criminal road. An occupational hazzard so to speak. Everyone is banging on about lenient sentences for crimes and now they are advocating them. Smacks of double standards.


But hey thats my opinion only.




Ninging atcha catcha

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  Swampy said:
  Catcher said:
  beagle1812 said:
  scent said:
  beagle1812 said:
  RaiderBoy said:
what did he do


He was a train robber, a long time ago, he's an old man now. was on the run for ages.


I'm sure there will be a film about it one day (if it hasn't already been done).

the films called buster if im correct and i think he should be freed



oh yeah, I remember the film with Phil Collins. Well done mate.



You have to remember thease men got 30 year for robbery .Why because the goverment had to show that no one could steal from the crown and get away with it.they were scape goats.Most people get about 10 year for murder.I will say it again the goverment in this country are in to line there own pockets And to hell with the rest of us.when was the last time you where asked what the goverment should do about anything.It must have been pre war.atb.catcher



Whoa Catcher me ol' mucker!

They got 30 yrs for "Armed robbery". A guard died consequently from being whacked over the head. Leukemia, pneumonia whatever it cannot be denied it was a contributing factor. He suffered brain damage. Had he lived how would he have felt if Ronnie was released early?

Also, he never served his time. He lived in Brazil for years, now he's ill he want home and a potential money earner on the celebrity circuit!

Please (I know it wasn't you Catch) don't bring the film Buster into it. Do you really think that was a true portrail of the events? Was Braveheart?!

They were thugs who got caught and its the glamourisation of such characters that make certain crimes "acceptable" socially. If he has to be made an example then so be it. Its the chance you take when you go down that particular criminal road. An occupational hazzard so to speak. Everyone is banging on about lenient sentences for crimes and now they are advocating them. Smacks of double standards.


But hey thats my opinion only.




Ninging atcha catcha


Good skills swampy. :clapper: :clapper:

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