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THe great train robbers got about 30 years each,Last week i read in some papper a pedo got four year.The reason is ronnie has to do his time .He stole from the crown.let him go free you basterds.catcher

the reason they got 30 years is because the crown put more emphasis on crimes of money than they do life,obviously life is cheapexcept when it's someone important...

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Just wonderd on other members veiws on ronnie biggs to be freed.He as always been an out law figure to me bit like butch cassidy from the hole in the wall gang imo i hope he does, atvb


Ronnie is a God in my opinion and the likes of Jack Straw are the modern day criminals who just happen to place themselves a wee bit higher than the law :whistling::drink:

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he's an old bloke what he did was wrong in the fact that someone died through injuries

if he hadn't put up a struggle he wouldn't have died because he wouldn't have been smacked

RONNIE gave himself up ok so it was quite a few years later the mans sick

give him parole ain't it enough that RONNIE KRAY died inside & the only let REGGIE out just in time to die

he came back a old man should,'t have been locked up after all these years


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my daughter lets rooms out in one of her house's she had a lodger who killed another lodger he killed her with a hammer and the butcherd her in to bits to remove the body parts ? he got 25yrs after telling the judge i,ll strike again given the chance . ronnie got 30yrs for takeing part in a robbery .the guard died 10-15 yrs later unrelated to the crime . 80yrs old dieing LET HIM GO

my daughters lodger is due out with the chilling words he left with the judge I.LL STRIKE AGAIN .

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People keep going on about the fact that the guard mills died from his injuries on the train.....the facts are he died 9 years later nothing to do with the " minimal " head injuries he recieved during the robbery.....and it wasnt biggs who hit him anyway it was buster edwards who died years ago....

If ronnie dies inside or out he will be happy he lived his prime years in the sun you can be sure of that :D

Makes a mockery of crimes/sentancing really dont it.....theres people all over the country today serving out the last years of sentances they wouldnt have got had they committed the crime today !

Edited by gnasher16
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if he had of done his time instead of hiding away abroad he would have been out long ago


Absolutely agree.

Ye come back to serve 30 years [bANNED TEXT] paedos get 5 years for abusing kids


Sure peados do only get 5yrs, and that is where it is going wrong, Ronnie should do his 30, peado's should do life. (in pain)

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if he had of done his time instead of hiding away abroad he would have been out long ago


Absolutely agree.

Ye come back to serve 30 years [bANNED TEXT] paedos get 5 years for abusing kids


Sure peados do only get 5yrs, and that is where it is going wrong, Ronnie should do his 30, peado's should do life. (in pain)


True enough, Biggs should serve his sentance to the full, he has shown no remorse has escaped from custody once to live the high life and has stuck his fingers up to British justice for decades.


he was sentanced and should serve that sentance.


Paedophiles should indeed get life, as should Rapists and Murderers, the worst aspect of the criminal justice system as far as i am concerned is early release which allows offenders to go and ruin someone elses life.


Spend more money on prisons, even if we have to pay more taxes, lets keep these people out of the community for the rest of their natural born lives.

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