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An immigrant who was high on Heroin smashed into a car killing a father and his 15 yr old son in my town,i think they gave him 6 yrs,i read the paper a couple of weeks ago and the appeals court have cut the sentance he will be out in 2 yrs,

if we are going to have hard justice lets have it for everybody,it serves no purpose keeping a 70 odd year old bloke in the nick for a crime commited before a lot of people on here were even born,the train guard thing was wrong,but the money was on its way to be burned,the f.....g bankers [wankers] who have caused this recession are bigger criminals than Ronnie,fill the nick with them B......s.

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all this free him stuff sounds a bit like left wing hand wringing to me,its that kind of shit that f****d this country up good and proper,if he was black he would have been freed by now,or if he was a fudge packer,or a muslim,or a kiddie fiddler,he took the piss an now he is paying for it,so what if he is old and ill.......regards,nelson mandela.

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should have been freed years ago in my opinion,he only had a small part in the robbery and he was,nt the one who coshed the guard,the only reason he,s still there is because he caused so much embarisment for the police and goverment

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feck me folks what about the robbing murdering scum we vote for? Open your eyes and take a feckin reality check :drink:


Well said Al,


The same people that are keeping Ronnie in the nick have just killed thousands of people and stole their oil,how f.....g naive can you be? :blink:

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  • 2 months later...
Lets not forget that one of the trains staff was so badly beaten he had extensive brain damage, and if I remember correctly he died from his injuries.

Ronnie Biggs........let him rot in jail.



you are wrong, the train driver did get a thump, but nothing serious, let the man out, he is absolute No danger to society, (( you have the right name Ratman, you must be an ANTI,

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Some pratt from the liberal democrats was slating him for comeing back into the country to take advantage of the NHS but it dosent matter about all the forign criminals comeing into the country to do the same.

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I think they should have let him out years ago. People serve less time now for murder and rape!


I know it was wrong what he did, but he has done his time.


Didnt think hed been away that long?

He spent many years in brazil, i thought he died ?

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what did he do


He was a train robber, a long time ago, he's an old man now. was on the run for ages.


I'm sure there will be a film about it one day (if it hasn't already been done).

a think they shud let him out he hasnt got long 2 liv he shud atleast be aloud to spend the time hes got left a free man its not as if he,l be tryn to rob any banks

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Just wonderd on other members veiws on ronnie biggs to be freed.He as always been an out law figure to me bit like butch cassidy from the hole in the wall gang imo i hope he does, atvb


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