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finally gonna use them

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Id say all of my different permissions, are free of charge stuff, so of course you tend to visit those that you feel will be more productive, most are around an hours drive away, apart from one, I wasgiven it last year, a local college 2 minutes away, that had problems with rabbit scrapings on the football fields, after a reccy of the place last year, it was obvious that most of the holes were on the opposite side of the boundary fence, 6ft high and spiked, with two different landowners boundering the college, both didnt want me on their side of the fence, so it got forgotton about as a worthwhile permission to ferret, driving past every other day, we'd always spot 10 or so rabbits out feeding, and had talked about live catch traps, but not wanting to leave them overnight in case some chav type nicked them, so again, it got put to the back of my mind, in favour of better areas,


well Ive finally pulled my finger out and decieded to try trapping "while u wait" the rabbits will let you get within 20yds before running, and will venture back out while your still standing there, used to the kids I suppose, anyway ok'd it with the care taker to pop over there, starting later at 4pm, I going to set 10 traps out and sit in the jeep 100yds away, hopefully catch a few, then move off and go back at dusk for a second sitting, and then again tomorrow, picked up a bag of horse carrots for £1 so I'll post pictures later, if any success,


have 5 kilgerm traps, and 5 that I got from e bay, you can certainly see the difference in quaility, not just in size, the kilgerm have been weathering on the shed roof, for a lot longer than the e bay ones, which have been there a good 8 months, and are already rusting in places, but hoping the smaller ones, will catch the younger rabbits


cant see any visable runs as such, the warrens are under a stinging nettle patch, which leads straight onto the mown field, so I'll just be placing a few feet from the nettles


fingers crossed





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There must be runs stubby, there has to be if they are coming through an area regular... Look harder then snare them, rather a few snares missing than a £100 quid of live traps with carrots to boot.. Can you take a photo of the area...

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well, best laid plans :icon_redface::icon_redface:


just spent a couple of hours sitting some 50yds from the area, 10 traps set with carrots, rabbits out feeding on grass in all the areas inbetween :angry:

they are coming out only a few feet onto the grass, presumable they come further out under the cover of darkness, by the ammount of scrapings on the field, anyway, none caught, lifted the traps, leaving the carrot chippings, am wondering if its a case of them being wearey of the traps, or that they have not seen carrot before, would pre baiting help :hmm:


as you say Ian, there probably are runs, but me not having an experienced eye to see them, would be a good plan, as I have 100 of woodga snares, and have made up around 30 tealers, would be easy to set and lift at dusk and dawn, failing that, maybe I can talk them into letting me use the air rifle at dusk


a few photo's of the area









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Stubby, the best person to ask about cage trapping rabbits is Rolfe I think. IanB has the plan though, if you can get to and fro before/after the dog walkers and kids, then snaring may well be the most productive way.


I would though if I were you ask about taking the air gun. sit in the vehicle at 35 yards and pick them off as they come out.


It's difficult to do anything when it involves the public or public land.


Good luck though and keep us informed.



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If I could just add my little bit of experience with live rabbit trapping.......handle the traps wearing disposable gloves, bait them with grated carrot and finely chopped lettuce. And one last tip, press a thin stick through the trap firmly into the ground to prevent Buggs turning it over and escaping.

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thanks for the advice on cage trapping, although have done it before with huge success, the trouble here, is not wanting to leave the traps in situ, went over there again at dusk and baited up eight traps, sat in the motor for a couple of hours, walking back, there were shite loads out feeding, but none in or near the traps,


I could now go either two ways, meet with the groundsman and try to get snaring or shooting (air rifle) permission, Id prefer the snaring option, but of course have not got the experience to see a "run"


are there any snare men in essex, that fancy giving me a few pointers, as Im a night worker, it would be easy enough to set snares around dusk, and lift them around dawn/5am

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thanks for the advice on cage trapping, although have done it before with huge success, the trouble here, is not wanting to leave the traps in situ, went over there again at dusk and baited up eight traps, sat in the motor for a couple of hours, walking back, there were shite loads out feeding, but none in or near the traps,


I could now go either two ways, meet with the groundsman and try to get snaring or shooting (air rifle) permission, Id prefer the snaring option, but of course have not got the experience to see a "run"


are there any snare men in essex, that fancy giving me a few pointers, as Im a night worker, it would be easy enough to set snares around dusk, and lift them around dawn/5am


could you not chain the traps to that lovely big fence and leave in situ? and if you follow the runs from the nettles and edge they will get more faint but if you know the general direction you should be able to make them out

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thanks for the advice on cage trapping, although have done it before with huge success, the trouble here, is not wanting to leave the traps in situ, went over there again at dusk and baited up eight traps, sat in the motor for a couple of hours, walking back, there were shite loads out feeding, but none in or near the traps,


I could now go either two ways, meet with the groundsman and try to get snaring or shooting (air rifle) permission, Id prefer the snaring option, but of course have not got the experience to see a "run"


are there any snare men in essex, that fancy giving me a few pointers, as Im a night worker, it would be easy enough to set snares around dusk, and lift them around dawn/5am


could you not chain the traps to that lovely big fence and leave in situ? and if you follow the runs from the nettles and edge they will get more faint but if you know the general direction you should be able to make them out



i wouldn't if they cant be stolen you can bet they would stand on them or something just as stupid

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quote;i wouldn't if they cant be stolen you can bet they would stand on them or something just as stupid


your right there mate, we had fifty set along an embankment for london underground, caught a hundred or so rabbits, before the anti's found them, climbed the fence and either chucked them on the lines, or stamped on them, the office got back about 10 out of the 50, and I relocated 5 to my shed :whistling:


richie has offered to come over one weekend and give it a go, so we'll keep you posted

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quote;i wouldn't if they cant be stolen you can bet they would stand on them or something just as stupid


your right there mate, we had fifty set along an embankment for london underground, caught a hundred or so rabbits, before the anti's found them, climbed the fence and either chucked them on the lines, or stamped on them, the office got back about 10 out of the 50, and I relocated 5 to my shed :whistling:


richie has offered to come over one weekend and give it a go, so we'll keep you posted

:angel::angel::angel: it was not only the antis steve


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There are two main considerations to take into account when cage trapping rabbits in my opinion. Firstly, the cages themselves have to be as large and as uncomplicated as possible, and secondly, they want leaving in place without being moved for as long as possible. Let me try and explain without trying to teach anyone to suck eggs. The most common fault in the lack of success when cage trapping rabbits is that people put them down and just expect rabbits to run into them straight away THEY WON'T. The rabbits need to get used to seeing the cages about the place, it can take anything up to a week to get rabbits to enter the cages freely. So patience is the answer. Once they have had a first catch, then the rest is reletively easy, nicely scented from the last visitor (especially if you expel the urine into and all over the cage) they can be re-set in EXACTLY the same place and they will catch regularly......you are now up and running. Obviously the location you set the cages is of vital importance, to the SIDE of well used rabbit runs on grass is good, as is to the side of where the rabbits come through or under a fence. where they run between shrubs, nettles and bushes is also a good bet.

I find it better to pin the cages tight to the ground using 18 in T bars, this stops the cages from wobbling ( a rabbit won't enter if it feels the floor moving) it also stops Mr Fox from rolling you cages about to get at the trapped bunnies. Cages can be set completely in the open where runs in the grass are prolific, they look ridiculous but they will catch if you give them time. Carrots sliced longways are still the best bait in my opinion, but put a few outside and just inside the cage as a lead in as well as behind the treadle.

Hope these observations have been helpful, and as i said.......i don't want to tell anyone how they should do the job, just telling you how i do it and what works for me.


Rolfe ;)




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I take it there coming into the field under the metal fencing in the background?


yes Ian, a few of the holes are this side of the fence, but the majority are on theother side,

rolfe, the trouble Ive got, is I cant leave anything on show, as its a college, I had thought of leaving the 5 smaller cages in situ, along the fenceline, chained as suggested, but I reckon they will be "found" within a few days, and either pinched or trampled, and as this is a "freebie" I dont want to be loosing money on it, therefore snaring does seem the best option at the moment, as these could be placed and lifted over a weekend evenings, when less people/kids are there


hound, :whistling: its amazing how offices belive everything you tell them :whistling:

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I take it there coming into the field under the metal fencing in the background?


yes Ian, a few of the holes are this side of the fence, but the majority are on theother side,

rolfe, the trouble Ive got, is I cant leave anything on show, as its a college, I had thought of leaving the 5 smaller cages in situ, along the fenceline, chained as suggested, but I reckon they will be "found" within a few days, and either pinched or trampled, and as this is a "freebie" I dont want to be loosing money on it, therefore snaring does seem the best option at the moment, as these could be placed and lifted over a weekend evenings, when less people/kids are there


hound, :whistling: its amazing how offices belive everything you tell them :whistling:

Stubby.........i agree with you and if it was me i would snare it as well...........put em down late and pick em up early to avoid detection. ;)

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