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heamolitic aneamia a warning

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am posting this on all the forums i go on as a warning to other spaniel owners as to what to look for with this nasty desease which we are in real danger of losing Millie to sad.gif sad.gif sad.gif sad.gif


we had an instance over the weekend of Millie refusing food (she never does that) at the time i put it down to her being away from home and being fed up, and when she ate the next couple of meals i thought she was back on form.


We came home and then on Tuesday she refused her breakfast again so we booked an appointment at the vets, it was confirmed we had done the right thing when we took her for a walk and she wasn't interested, and was just walking instead of running (millie never walks when she can run)


I took her to the vets on Tuesday night where they admitted her straight away, she had a slightly raised temp, was lethargic, gums were pale, and a touch of Jaundice, by wednesady morning blood tests had confirmed heamolitic aneamia i was lucky and had got her there early which has probably saved her life for now, basically what is happening is her immune system is destroying her own red blood cells, she hasn't been ill, hasn't had her jabs since september, and we will probably never know what has triggered it.


When she was admitted she had a PCV count of 20 the vets don't normally see them till their count is down to 6 or 7, and spaniels are very prone to it, her count dropped wednesday night and then drastically thursday night which led to a blood transfusion yesterday, because she is destroying cells quicker than she can produce them she starts on a diiferent cocktail of drugs this morning, which because they are imunosuppresants bring there own problems.


We went to visit her last night and she was still my cheeky little girl just not as bouncy, she hasn't given up so neither have we, and will keep going till she is either home or the vets tell us there is nothing else they can do.


So all i ask is that if you have a dog with any of the above symptoms get them to the vets, as has been explained to me if she was any other breed of dog the vets would be more optimistic, because she is a spaniel they believe that her chances of surviving this are reduced. I am not looking for sympathy we did everything we could, i just want to try and help other spangle owners to spot this early.

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