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Ive a grey x beddy/whippet. 6 months old 24tts.. Comin on great, hasnt seen anythin yet but he'd chase anythin n interested in everythin n a good jumper.. a little nervous when it comes to loud noises i have to say but he's still a pup n i'll work on that but he's an all round good dog so far, i bought him for specific quarry n ive no doubt he'l have the guts for it..

I'll put pics up on this tomorrow for ya..

Really nice dog btw..



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i have 6/8th whippet 1/8thgreyhound 1/8 bedlington bitch, she is 12mth 22'' to the shoulder and 35lb. she is very loyal and obediant, retrieves live to hand, can be very head strong but have to keep on top of her, love the cross, wouldnt have anything else.


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i have a beddy/whipp x grew, he 23" and smoothe coated! very loyal and bloody fast, but he seems to have picked the coat from the whippet side, but tinks he is a terrier when there is quarry in a bush.....you can imagine the results! not a world beater by any means but he does what i need of him and isnt afraid of the sharp end for a lightly built dog!

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