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Guest gav d

lurchers is what they want to see mate :tongue2: or take a gun with you so yous can sit nd rest somewhere without having to cope with dogs.. so id say either lurchers or guns ... if your plannin on doin anything [bANNED TEXT] them take a gun.. if u wanna show them hunting with good action take dogs :good::good:

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Standing around just observing will quickly kill a kids enthusiasm. Let them hold the terriers steady (whethere they need it or not) Enter the furts, take up positions to watch for rats bolting, move stuff to look for sets etc etc.


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if u havnt got lurchers or cant get hold of any then ratting is the way forward because theres always something to do even if u dnt see any rats!like moving stuff round and actually looking for them!


if u take them shooting with say an air rifle u need to know you are deffinately gonna get a good few shots off as they might not appreaciate just being out there and become bored just waiting around!


let them see some good action on the rats!!


good look



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one point that sbs forgot to mension!!


about 10 posts have mensioned ferreting but sbs has no ferrets!



sorry FK not as perfect as you are we.... f**k off you cock..... and i can get hold of wroking ferrets mate..... see i have friends that trust me with their working stock unlike you......


should be able to get hold of a lurcher.... a mate of mine has got a few.....


i have been thinking about air gun shooting.... as well.. but the thing is i havent gt round to buying a new air gun as of yet..... i mean it does the business ect its just old.... as i more a shooy lad than air guns......


if i could you think clays be a good starting point...


happy hunting



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one point that sbs forgot to mension!!


about 10 posts have mensioned ferreting but sbs has no ferrets!



sorry FK not as perfect as you are we.... f**k off you cock..... and i can get hold of wroking ferrets mate..... see i have friends that trust me with their working stock unlike you......

woh there matey thats a bit unfair the lad just thought you weren't in the situation to go ferreting,if there's something behind your aggresiveness tell me ani will apologise :good:

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one point that sbs forgot to mension!!


about 10 posts have mensioned ferreting but sbs has no ferrets!



sorry FK not as perfect as you are we.... f**k off you cock..... and i can get hold of wroking ferrets mate..... see i have friends that trust me with their working stock unlike you......

woh there matey thats a bit unfair the lad just thought you weren't in the situation to go ferreting,if there's something behind your aggresiveness tell me ani will apologise :good:



no mate i will not appologise... the boys a twat.... sorry about bringing it on hear.. but hes being a twat on other sites thinking he the dogs bollox mate...... i respect the rest of you and your advise... but that boys a muppet....


P.S FK you take a pliers to you ferret after??? ;):angry:


happy hunting



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ok mate i'm sorry. take them ratting it seems the most exciting.



its ok mate... you wernt to know....


yes ratting dont sound bad tho.....


nice and easy ith the exitment thrown in as well.....


happy hunting



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yes lol everyone can get hoold of ferrets but mammy wont let you have one!


in ferreting im the dogs bollox compared to you



right... i can have ferrets mate... was told i can have them... but... i said no.. as i have not got the time too look after pups and kits..... i think see unlike you.....


and your the dogs bollox are you?? ;) you still havent answered my question did you or id you not take a piliers to you ferret??? twat.....


and anyone can get hold of ferrets yes... but are they working ferrets.... now feck off back to building your dame you dumb f**k........


like i said ask lads who know us who they would rather take out me or you mate and i think i would have the most votes same as for hunting knowledge... i dont claim to be the best far form it as you never stop learning in hunting..... the differance between me and you mate is that when i ask someone for advice i take it in and dont throw it back in their faces.... i listen to what they say... and take it in........


happy hunting



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i hope this does not develop into anther one of those shite tit for tat replies :realmad: this is a hunting site not a play ground for arguementative kids, :realmad: f k you were kicked off smoochers for the same crap dont start again :angry: GOOD HUNTING ALL WOODGA :ph34r:

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