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mine would have to be snapping my right femur playing rugby although that wasnt as bad as when they tried to manipulate it back in place by pulling and twisting from my ankle.Dont reccomend not haveing the gas that was offered at the time.Then after a fortnight in hospital went home two days later slipped in bathroom and dislocated right hip 3 days of constant pain.

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  Hollie said:
Oh Er, you boys are being mean tonight!!


On the subject of pulling out of a sloppy minge into a dry arsehole, if it hurts you guys IMAGINE how much it fecking hurts us gals!!!


You love it girls admit it, don't use the drink as a cover up ;)

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didnt happen to me, but a friend had a demolition job to do and one of his lads climbed into a skiptube and slid down it two storeys to land in the skip ,unknowing to him someone had chucked a fluorescent tube in there and it took a sausage of flesh out of his leg apparently he screamed like a stuck pig :cry:

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  gnipper said:
  Hollie said:
Oh Er, you boys are being mean tonight!!


On the subject of pulling out of a sloppy minge into a dry arsehole, if it hurts you guys IMAGINE how much it fecking hurts us gals!!!


You love it girls admit it, don't use the drink as a cover up ;)



Yeah we love it.......good job the females on this site are tough skinned hunting girls otherwise you blokes might make us cry :D:tongue2:

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dont know about most painfull but the scariest thing ever to happen to me was getting stuck up to my hips in mud out on the blackwater estuary down essex with the tide comming in!


was the middle of january and no one around for miles and all that was goin through my mind was the grave stones in the church yard with "unknown, found drowned stuck in the mud", after about half an hour i managed to crawl out of my wellies and the mud onto my jacket and then had to walk three miles home over gravel tracks with freezing feet and no boots, that did hurt!




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  Kay said:
Child birth

Women allways say this ,I reckon its a piece of cake.They just exaggerate,like when you come home and they say"Ive done three loads of washing today, well ,actually no you havent you put three loads into the machine and the machine did it.

I once had to get a round in a pub , it was very traumatic , but I dont harp on it.

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A few painful moments


Trapping my nob and a bit of my scrote in my zip, then I had to unzip to get it out.


Broken ankle and busted knee ligaments playing rugby.


Being unseated from my motorbike, I was only doing 70 honest officer. :whistling:


At rugby training we had to run backwards, then when the coach shouted turn round and sprint flat out. As I turned round I went smack right into the goalpost. :doh:

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  LDR said:
  lurchergrrl said:
  LDR said:
All you women ever go on about is child birth..............you dont know you're born, what would you lot know about pain...........ever caught your cock in a zip.... :blink: ........ever snapped you banjo when you've slipped out the comfort of a wet sloppy minge and driven you cock straight up a dry arsehole........... :cry: ........ever been dressed up in womens underwear and lashed with a whip across your bare buttocks????? oops that was the one i payed for......... :icon_redface::clapper::clapper:


Can't say I've ever caught my cock in a zip or shoved it up a dry butt :sick:


Had my nipple bitten by a baby tho - THAT was painful!



Try it with one of your flaps that'll give you an idea of it...................childbirth will be a walk in the park after that................. :yes:


.... flaps? Anybody ever accuse you of having decorum, you baldy heided tree monkey? :laugh: :laugh:


That's what you get for going the wrong way on a one way street. If somebody tried to do that to me I can assure you the pain they'd feel would be exquiste ... and inflicted by me with gleeful wrath.


You men. You think childbirth is easy and then you cry 'cause you get your todger stuck in yer zip!

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  inan said:
  Kay said:
Child birth

Women allways say this ,I reckon its a piece of cake.They just exaggerate,like when you come home and they say"Ive done three loads of washing today, well ,actually no you havent you put three loads into the machine and the machine did it.

I once had to get a round in a pub , it was very traumatic , but I dont harp on it.


Oh you wouldnt reign here for long :laugh::laugh: maybe that moth eaten wallet of yours is so full of money its weighing you down , you should spend it , you cant take it with you :laugh::laugh:

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  lurchergrrl said:
  LDR said:
  lurchergrrl said:
  LDR said:
All you women ever go on about is child birth..............you dont know you're born, what would you lot know about pain...........ever caught your cock in a zip.... :blink: ........ever snapped you banjo when you've slipped out the comfort of a wet sloppy minge and driven you cock straight up a dry arsehole........... :cry: ........ever been dressed up in womens underwear and lashed with a whip across your bare buttocks????? oops that was the one i payed for......... :icon_redface::clapper::clapper:


Can't say I've ever caught my cock in a zip or shoved it up a dry butt :sick:


Had my nipple bitten by a baby tho - THAT was painful!



Try it with one of your flaps that'll give you an idea of it...................childbirth will be a walk in the park after that................. :yes:


.... flaps? Anybody ever accuse you of having decorum, you baldy heided tree monkey? :laugh: :laugh:


That's what you get for going the wrong way on a one way street. If somebody tried to do that to me I can assure you the pain they'd feel would be exquiste ... and inflicted by me with gleeful wrath.


You men. You think childbirth is easy and then you cry 'cause you get your todger stuck in yer zip!



The difference between the 2 is your love hole is designed to pop out sprogs, our cock ends aint designed to get done up in a zip.............. :o



Hollie you say imagine how it feels for you diving straight up your secondary love tube, well if child birth is so traumatic a bit of dry bum love should be a breeze........ :tongue2: ............anyway after a couple of minutes we're hard pushed to know one from the other anyway they both turn into a sloppy mess!!!!!

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  whippeter69 said:
Cocked my old BSA Supersport put the pellet in and pulled the trigger and the barrel snatched my thumb and cutit open on both sides on top and under neath. Has 6 stiches on each side

did that with my b2, cocked it but not properly so it flicked closed on my middle finger feckin hell tht hurt!! still got the scar just about.

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