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deerhound x greyhound

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The problem with lurcher breeding is that say a person who buys a pup is told it is XYZ, they then tell everyone the dog is XYZ, dog eventually gets used as stud to another supposed XYZ and as far as the people who own the parents are concerned, the pups are also XYZ.


So even when one pup is smooth and the rest of the litter hairy, or maybe one is a lot smaller than the others, no one thinks, hey! Maybe one parent wasn't XYZ after all! After all, they've been TOLD that the breeding was XYZ! So of course they believe it.


Unless you have been breeding a long time, been around a lot, and I mean a LOT of lurchers, enough to recognise different types and variations on types, it can be very difficult to really know what is in a lurcher, and even then a pup could throw back to an unknown ancestor: very difficult to tell


I've got a black rough bitch and to look at her you'd be hard pushed to see any particular breed in her. Her sire was Bull/Grey/CollieGrey and her dam looks like a Deerhound cross, but HER parents were a cream Saluki type and her dam a wee Whippety thing: genes can 'hide' for a generation or even two before the right combination produces something that actually looks like the original pure breed in the mix.


totally right skycat---just like the ginger 'carrier' where a gingers kid isnt ginger but their kids might be lol

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The problem with lurcher breeding is that say a person who buys a pup is told it is XYZ, they then tell everyone the dog is XYZ, dog eventually gets used as stud to another supposed XYZ and as far as the people who own the parents are concerned, the pups are also XYZ.


So even when one pup is smooth and the rest of the litter hairy, or maybe one is a lot smaller than the others, no one thinks, hey! Maybe one parent wasn't XYZ after all! After all, they've been TOLD that the breeding was XYZ! So of course they believe it.


Unless you have been breeding a long time, been around a lot, and I mean a LOT of lurchers, enough to recognise different types and variations on types, it can be very difficult to really know what is in a lurcher, and even then a pup could throw back to an unknown ancestor: very difficult to tell


I've got a black rough bitch and to look at her you'd be hard pushed to see any particular breed in her. Her sire was Bull/Grey/CollieGrey and her dam looks like a Deerhound cross, but HER parents were a cream Saluki type and her dam a wee Whippety thing: genes can 'hide' for a generation or even two before the right combination produces something that actually looks like the original pure breed in the mix.


totally right skycat---just like the ginger 'carrier' where a gingers kid isnt ginger but their kids might be lol

twat :censored::censored::censored:
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