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breeding harris hawks


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  big_mik said:
what age are harris hawks mature to breed and eny other information welcome



There have been exceptions but the average age seems to be about 3yrs old. I do know of pairs hatching a clutch in their second year and i know of a pair that didnt even lay till they were 6. I dont breed birds myself this is just what ive seen and been told by friends but apparently you are better off if the male is a few years older than the female.


Hope this helps


cheers martin

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RIOHH is spot on and said it all realy :thumbs:.


the only thing perhaps I might add is if you make a bird/birds comfortable in its environment! and the nest ledges and materials are all there positioned to stimulate a young pairing then you will have more of a chance with young stock. I have seen a few aviaries that you would never beleive birds would breed in but they do! then again if you lay the foundations down in the aviary that are apealing and secure to the pair of birds you place in there then you will have a higher success rate....


do your homework and groundwork if you are planing on breeing them! up the food Quality/Diet prior to the breeding season and split feeding times through the day to keep bonding and courtship strong as apposed to perhaps only feeding them once or twice a day in the winter months.....



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  big_mik said:
thank you should i take the male to the female or the other way round?


I don't think it matters too much with Harris's Mik!! but be on the safe side and stick the male in a week or so first. let him get aclimitised to the enclosure with a bit of confidence and then introduce the female. I still use old Motorbike rear tyres for the Harris's which work perfect, it also helps keep the chicks in the nest and not falling off the ledge....


bed the tyre out with plenty of fresh sprigs of Leylandi and some twigs <Larch or whatever> and feed through the day finishing in the evening which will help courtship....



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PM me closer to the time mate and I'll go through the same set up I have here! I know people do things different but this way has always worked for me with different pairs, its not a hard and fast rule but I have never had problems with this set up even with other species :thumbs: .....



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