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i am putting together an application to get planning on my 4 acre holding (o.k being honest the wife does all the research shes much better than me at that sort of thing) and the main things we have found is proving that it is a full time job for one person and also having a "need to be there" most councils dont believe a few cows and sheep is enough of a reason to be there, unfortunetly.


what we have done is to get a certifacate of lawful use for a freerange chicken farm it only cost 35 quid to apply and now we have it in writing that we can do this we are then going to apply for a dwelling seperatly with this business.


even so the number of egg birds we could have on site was abit borderline so we are going for meat birds as they need less room per bird and they are on heat and need lots of checking "need to be there".


if things start to look abit hairy for your mate maybe he could do a retrospective planning application including a few chickens with his other livestock this maybe enough?.


as for buildings on site anything over about 12 acres i think it is you get certain rights to some farm buildings but under that amount of land you have to apply for permission.

but you cannot live on site in any dwelling tempary or not without permission otherwise everyone would be doing it myself included.

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A pal of mine just over 3 years ago brought himself 6 acres of agrigultural land way in the middle of nowhere for houseing his livestock. the only way to get to this place is by a small farm track! you would never know the place was there unless anyone drives down the track....


since buying this land he then set himself up a small dwelling/cabin backing onto a small hawthorn hedge, also had a borehole dug for his water supply and electricity, his has livestock and Birds Of Prey housed on the land which has meant he needed to be on site and basically live there for security reasons, for just over 3 years everything has been fine until yesterday he had a visit from the council after someone had reported him as living there, the councilor took pictures of the land and also the place he is staying...


As you can expect he pretty worried about the situation as his whole livelyhood if kept on this land, he certainly couldn't live any of it there unattended through the day and evenings for security reasons, can anyone give me some information to how he stands and what rights he has or any loopholes? at the end of the day the guy needs to stay there as its his livelyhood....


The dwelling has no solid concrete foundations and is basically just a cabin secured by posts





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No advice, but loads of sympathy.


Takes an age to sort anything with planning offices. We wanted to be legit with the structure in our woods so we did talk to them first and do what they asked. But because of the size of our woods it completely confused them. Good luck, folks like that deserve to be able to stay on their land. It's being worked and looked after, it's not overcrowded etc etc. Grr.

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