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New bit of stalking

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:whistling: I was meant to get down Martins on Tuesday evening but work commitments meant i wouldnt get there for enough daylight .Managed to get to a bit of ground i have in time for an hours walk round .Its a fair sized farm that has in the past ,held its fair share of deer but now its mainly yearlings looking for new ground .The 'stalker' if thats what he was ,paid for the land for 3 seasons and wiped it clean of everything with antlers then refused to pay the fees .Too commen an occurance for my liking ,but it has opened up the stalking for me ,for free so his loss eh :whistling: .Ive always done the foxing here ,with a mate until he moved away so i now have it to myself .I approached the farmer with a view to taking a few off the land according to what i see and he was very obliging ,saying that he didnt want too many deer about now the corn is growing .Well ,i set off into the breeze and it wasnt long before i found sign of deer ,the tell tale scraped beds of 7 roe but at least a day old so onwards .Tracked the party for something to do found where they crossed a ditch and onto neighbouring land .Never mind .Found fresher sign in the form of slots and droppings in the maintained headland that is the norm these days around here and rightly so .Followed this with a head up ,head down approach as i knew i was near .The fields are big with zig-zagging hedges and peeping around a corner i saw the ass end of a doe with head in the hedge .I layed down in the corn and shimmied out a bit to get a better look and saw 5 deer in all ,one of them a young buck in velvet .The ground here steps up behind the hedge so a safe shot wasnt a problem .He was typically the furthest away and partly obscured by a doe .Roughly 90 yds id say .I studied him and the group in the bins until a shot was on and put a bullet straight through the lungs of the buck at which he went down on the spot .The group never flinched at all as he dropped ,even grazed a bit more , so i was able to study futher until a doe got figety and they moved as one through the hedge to my left and away .The clicking of hocks told me they had gone passed me and back down the hedge .Paced him at 94 .One of the does stood out as not having a white target area ,only a cream tush .Gralloched and moved on .On the far boundary i saw a fox running across a field with something white in its mouth .It hadnt seen me so i squeaked and it stood long enough for me to shoot it in the neck ,a vixen carrying a still warm ,headless lamb .Went straight to a nearby small holding and asked whether they had lost any lambs to which i was told they hadnt ten minutes earlier when they were checked, but clearly it was one of theirs .The camera batteries decided now was the time to pack up so no pics of that im afraid .


Edited to say i have now found the cubs and they are dealt with .In a pile of tyres .

Edited by foxdropper
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Well done mate,I am having a bit of bother with my .243 at the minute,it is shooting like a dog with the shits.Everything seems tight enough,so,it is bothering me a bit,I was out this evening zeroing,I got the .204 just right(with factory ammo)but,the .243 wouldn't shoot Federal at all,and,as you know I missed a Buck the other afternoon,and,that was with the Remington Ffactory ammo that I usually use.I have tried 3 different ammo at the moment,so,even though i only cleaned it a few rounds ago,I am going to really give it a good scrub with 'Boreshine' before I try again.I've got a mate coming up on the weekend,so,I think i will have to leave the .243 at home and let him do all of the shooting.

Speak soon mate..................Martin.

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  Local said:
Again, a nice yarn and pic. I'm hoping to get out this weekend to have a crack at my first elusive buck, have you seen many out in hard antler yet?


Only mature bucks mate .In fact its a good indicator of age and condition .As a guide not a bible .

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