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anyone use a 22 rimmy on foxes ?

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yeah i would of said head shot but ive just read an article in sporting shooter and a chap says a 'well placed' shot should be on side of the rib cage .


seemed a bit odd , i think they may get a few complaints

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If you have to use a .22 rimfire I would always go for a head or neck shot . Never shoot them in the chest as too many run off wounded , some drop on the spot but you will lose others.


If you shoot the fox between the eyes it will be stone dead , but the most foxes I have seen killed outright with the .22 have been shot in the neck , never lost a fox that was neck shot.


Another thing to remember is keep the range close and dont try and shoot beyond your capabilities.

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a .22 will stop a fox I would always go for a head shot but there was a colum in the sporting shooter about this and the rib shot was recomended for the simple reason that a second or third shot with a semi would be possible :doh:


Cheers HTS

wilst its running like hell thatll be right!!!

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a .22 will stop a fox I would always go for a head shot but there was a colum in the sporting shooter about this and the rib shot was recomended for the simple reason that a second or third shot with a semi would be possible :doh:


Cheers HTS

wilst its running like hell thatll be right!!!


don't go trying driven game in Europe then :victory: that is the only way that the game is shot " running like Hell"


Cheers HTS

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