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ibizans in action!

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I have one, not in the UK though. Very game and agile, lot of stamina. Perfect for daytime rabbiting and ratting. Mine is not fast enough for hares but in Spain some strains are bred specifically for hare, lots of variation in size and "greyhoundishness".


Big drawback for lamping and coursing is its tendency to use its nose.

I do lamp mine under perfect circumstances when a catch is sort of garanteed (right angle at golf course with broad canals that prevent exit). If it catches it stops or parades kind of straight back to me with the rabbit. If it doesn't it might be a long wait, though it got more disciplined in the last 2 years (now 5 years old).


Best is to go to the highest point in the dunes here and just release it and watch its jackal like jumps.


Big advantages: doesn't bark, doesn't smell, very calm when there is no game, charms women in trains and at parties.



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Guest lazylurchers
Yep. They make up for their small brain with long broad feet and a lot of stamina.

Sound dogs, selection in Spain is hard. Lot of them are more or less Leishmaniasis resistant for example.


Do they get Leishmaniasis, in spain? I always thought it was an Africa thing?

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Probably all them prick eared are noisy!


Stabs, how did the pharaos go around when you where there?

Were ferrets involved?

Did they come back on command or were the owners just smoking on top of the pick up truck?

Did you catch anything?




Oh canine (and human!) Leishmaniasis is endemic to Spain/Southern France and Italy. We have about 5-20 cases each year in tourists.

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I've seen them worked over here Lennard. There's a few local to me and they were baying like hounds. No ferrets involved, just daytime mooching. They did get on to a big fox, but when they saw ivory they backed right off. They have caught rabbits, but they were pretty wild and didn't take much notice of the owner. Whether that's the dogs themselves or more down to the owner's failings, I couldn't say.

There was a good article about them in EDRD a few years back, working the stoney ground in Malta and the fact that they are bred for voice.

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"They have caught rabbits, but they were pretty wild and didn't take much notice of the owner. Whether that's the dogs themselves or more down to the owner's failings, I couldn't say".


Hahaha! Love how you put that: "didn't take much notice of the owner"....


Imagine my surprise when I saw pure salukis come back directly or being picked up within 20 minutes after coursing...


The ibizans I have seen and mine are the same thing, though they do learn to associate movement of the owner with better rabbit chances and they quickly learn to stick around when a ferret is down.


Prolly if one gets them at 8 weeks and has only one and trains a "natural" recall before it sees any game there is a good chance that it can be controlled I'd say. Oh well I have good feet and a lot of stamina (to outrun farmers and golfers :D )and I am pretty aloof and calm myself. I love mine, it will come back in the end.



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