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Hob And Jill

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I put my jill in with my hob to breed them 2 weeks ago just wanted to know can I put my jill back in with him now is it ok??

If so when will be the best time to separate them week before the birth?


chances are he will be at her again if you do

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Thought so. when is the best time to put him back in with her what age do the kits have to be


Its just I have 2 hobs and 1 jill the 1 hob is my friends which I'm looking after until he gets hold of a hutch. So mine is in the run and he's gona be in there for week maybe 2


I know now not to put the hob in with the kits to early because he might just eat the kits or try to

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If I were you I would leave the kits in one cage with the jill until August, I would leave the hobs together and see how they get on, I would'nt put the kits in with the hob until you know for definite he's out of season, or he'll only rag the kits, evey one's arangements are different so see how you go. but I would hurry your mate up with his hutch. :)

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If I were you I would leave the kits in one cage with the jill until August, I would leave the hobs together and see how they get on, I would'nt put the kits in with the hob until you know for definite he's out of season, or he'll only rag the kits, evey one's arangements are different so see how you go. but I would hurry your mate up with his hutch. :)



Ye his dad said he is making him a hutch in work should be finished by next week but he said that last week.


The hob that I'm giving to my friend is ok with other hobs but don't know about mine should I try them?

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If I were you I would leave the kits in one cage with the jill until August, I would leave the hobs together and see how they get on, I would'nt put the kits in with the hob until you know for definite he's out of season, or he'll only rag the kits, evey one's arangements are different so see how you go. but I would hurry your mate up with his hutch. :)



Ye his dad said he is making him a hutch in work should be finished by next week but he said that last week.


The hob that I'm giving to my friend is ok with other hobs but don't know about mine should I try them?


It will only take five minutes to find out if they get on, just keep an eye on them and see how they go.

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put the 2 hobs together today wish I never did now went ok for 5 secs then they started sniffing each other then just started fighting. Could not get them apart both trying to eat each others heads. Got them apart after 5 minutes though checked them over the bigger hob is fine and the smaller hob has a small cut on his side should heal on its own.

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my jill has got about a week and a half maybe 2 weeks to go (i need to check what date the went at it,its written down) and i put them together while i cleaned out the cadges and he was still raggin her so i seperated them as i dont really think she needs the hassel.lol,good luck sortin your prob out

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If I were you I would leave the kits in one cage with the jill until August, I would leave the hobs together and see how they get on, I would'nt put the kits in with the hob until you know for definite he's out of season, or he'll only rag the kits, evey one's arangements are different so see how you go. but I would hurry your mate up with his hutch. :)



Ye his dad said he is making him a hutch in work should be finished by next week but he said that last week.


The hob that I'm giving to my friend is ok with other hobs but don't know about mine should I try them?


It will only take five minutes to find out if they get on, just keep an eye on them and see how they go.


5 Mins!! Wow urs must b good ferrets.i cant put any of my hobs together now cos they just wrestle till the sun goes down so am having to keep swapping the jills about in this seperate hutch. ROLL ON AUGUST MAN!! ITS DOING MY BRAIN IN! LOL :icon_eek:

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