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Ex-MOD property / Crown property

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Shooting on an old RAF site, I had an "interesting" chat with a passing MOD policeman.

He said that MOD land despite being sold to the private sector still had major shooting restrictions on it as it was still crown property.

He was saying that the new land owners did not necessarily have the right to permit shooting and that I needed to speak to them again to check that they could legally authorise my shooting.


I would like to stress that he was not being 'agressive or openly awkward' but sounded quite plausable,


Anyway, not being to sure, I stopped hunting and packed off home. The new owners said it was most likely bull***t but they would check it out.


Has anyone come across this before, not the MOD plod , but the question of crown land & shooting rights?

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Guest jt750

I live close to a military area and have had some permission on land that is rented from the MOD by a farmer and have had no restrictions on what i can shoot with and what i can't.

I suppose he'll have to recheck his sporting rights on the land concerned as he might not have 100% sporting rights to his land but i can't be sure.

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Thanks for the reply. I'm still waiting for my permission to return to me with his answer. He's a little upset because he's had a bunny explosion and can't ferret because the problem is coming from another tenants property. Life goes on!

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  camies said:
Shooting on an old RAF site, I had an "interesting" chat with a passing MOD policeman.

He said that MOD land despite being sold to the private sector still had major shooting restrictions on it as it was still crown property.

He was saying that the new land owners did not necessarily have the right to permit shooting and that I needed to speak to them again to check that they could legally authorise my shooting.


I would like to stress that he was not being 'agressive or openly awkward' but sounded quite plausable,


Anyway, not being to sure, I stopped hunting and packed off home. The new owners said it was most likely bull***t but they would check it out.


Has anyone come across this before, not the MOD plod , but the question of crown land & shooting rights?



I have herd that before - Well worth getting it checked

Especially if MOD Officers are still around


Same with Local authority land - many will not grant any Shooting rights on their Land

Anti PC and Safety Regulations


As in All Shoots it does pay to get a signed map and agreement with Owner of Land


Not forgetting most MOD Officers are either Armed or can call on a Fire Arms Team quicker

than most Police Forces - these day's



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Ok chaps....difficult this perhaps but I have recently been offered a Deer Shooting job on a RAF/RN/MoD chunk of currently used high security land. Basically a military helicopter repair base.


The powers that be had no problem with me shooting, but would not permit their own military to do the job.


They were advised upfront that if I acceped the job after my site survey I would be running the base whilst I was shooting and they would do what I told them, they agreed, they even said they would close the base if I wanted...took me a bit by surprise....so anyway...first point, you certainly CAN shoot on Military/MoD land.


Second point is simple...if the land is sold it will depend on the contract terms...but sold means sold, it is no longer Crown Property. The sellers may place certain future restrictions, as they may, for example sell off part of a High Security Base but still retain more of it, so may not wish "dangerous persuits" next door!! Leased, rented, whatever, is different again!!

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being in the army alot of my permissions are on mod land, there is a horse race course and a arena, which even run by civilians and given permission by them i was later informed that i wasnt to shoot, after digging around i now have the permission from mod estates, so the mod plod is probably right, he should know he will have all mod land marked up on a map, so that they know which areas to be monitoring.

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