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Quick update...

He had a 4 hour op today. the vet was fairly pleased with the outcome, but was more complicated than he thought as the smaller fracture was displaced. however lots of pins, wires, screws and a plate later he is hopefully on the mend.

The vet is giving me a cd of the xrays so will post them when go back for check up on monday.

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So much for me feeling sorry for my dog!

Yesterday i let him into the garden for a wee, and i went back inside. 5 mins later went to check on him and he had gone! :o


He had jumped a 5 bar gate, and legged it down the road (on 3 legs) and i eventually found him on the bridle path about 1/2 mile away!!


Made him walk back, which of course he did very slowly because his shoulder really hurts!! yeah right!

Just goes to show how tough and adaptable these lurchers are even after 36 hours from major surgery.


At least my dog has his spirit back!

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Any dog I have is for life, there is no way in a month of sundays that I would throw a dog away just because it got injured. He is perfectly content, and that is all i ask of my dogs. Hopefully he will be up for some ferreting next season. He has been an honest worker for me, so I will do the same in return for him.

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