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are springers the most adaptable working dogs?

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Its aknown fact that springers wer bred for the gun but their versatility does make them good dogs to work in conjunction with lurchers or birds of prey i am sorry if i got the impresion that they were onley the dog of the shooting man by wats been said atvb

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  poacher3161 said:
Its aknown fact that springers wer bred for the gun but their versatility does make them good dogs to work in conjunction with lurchers or birds of prey i am sorry if i got the impresion that they were onley the dog of the shooting man by wats been said atvb


Dont be sorry mate if you breed them and they do the job for you there is no problem..The problem with the dog world is my dick is bigger than ures ..

If they do the job they do the job simple as...lol


Atb Steve

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  poacher3161 said:
  spanielman2150 said:
  ratmuncher said:
can you course bunnies whith yours?

i want a lurcher but mum wont let me get one so im trying to make do

a spaniel will never course a rabbit up to the point of catching it and it would be a waste of a good dog if it did because it would then be uselees for everything else as it would get into the habit of chasing other game so i would just wait till your a bit older to get a lurcher :victory:

sorry but i dont agree that the dog would be useless for eveything else useless to a shooting man maybe you give me the impression that onely shooting people should own theis dogs.

thank you lewis and ess for backin me up you can use a springer for terriers and birds of prey but why would you want them to chase anyway if youve got a bird of prey after the game as well would just mess the job up

Edited by spanielman2150
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  • 2 weeks later...
  whippeter69 said:
What about cockers ? bit smaller but do the same

iv got cocker,really good dogs,had a springer once but just find cockers to be more steady but thats just me and my experience,i know alot of people prefer springers.atb

the blue bitch is pregnant! :)


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I love the energy of the spaniels, theres never a dull moment at my kennels!! The springers will turn their hand to pretty much anything, but i now keep cockers, as they suit my work better.


I use mine for 'normal' flushing work on the grouse, partridge and pheasant shoots, they also flush rabbits to the lurchers or the guns... also out mooching with the pack for foxes, my 'Boozer' will easily kill a fox without getting bitten if he has half a chance..


One thing I dont use them for is sitting at heel when on a peg shooting, or in a hide etc... mine would not like it, they are used for finding and flushing, and retrieving shot game.


If I did a lot of wildfowling or pigeon shooting I would get myself a labrador no question about it.


Nice thread with some good knowledgable opinions.... ;)

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  poacher3161 said:
Its aknown fact that springers wer bred for the gun but their versatility does make them good dogs to work in conjunction with lurchers or birds of prey i am sorry if i got the impresion that they were onley the dog of the shooting man by wats been said atvb



They were originally bred to spring birds for BOP, years before guns were about. :yes:


Nothing wrong with having a springer if you don't shoot, they have so many uses. ;)

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Wat i have found funny about me as a known poacher keeping springers for the last twenty five years is the snobery of some of the shooting freternity and [bANNED TEXT] shooting men and the odd keeper has bought pups of me they try to keep quite about it it just makes me smile .I remember once taking a bitch to a well known shooting man and showed him the peddigre [bANNED TEXT] he saw the name of the breeder he said watch that b***%*d who you got the dog of he did'nt no that b***%*d was me.That realy made me chuckle [bANNED TEXT] i left his premises.ps his dog didnt mate the bitch it was a nervous reck around him any way. atvb

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  lamping-lad said:



If versatile ,means pointing a lamp at a rabbit chasing a bunny then a retrieve then yes I would agree with you but if you want sometrhing to find flush and sit whilst u use bird or gun over water or land face the hardest of cover and go all day and then not peg nor maul ,handle ie control your dog on blinds stop it tell it to leave the retrieve go for a runner I think a spaniel is a slightly more versatile animal

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If versatile ,means pointing a lamp at a rabbit chasing a bunny then a retrieve then yes I would agree with you but if you want sometrhing to find flush and sit whilst u use bird or gun over water or land face the hardest of cover and go all day and then not peg nor maul ,handle ie control your dog on blinds stop it tell it to leave the retrieve go for a runner I think a spaniel is a slightly more versatile animal


:clapper: Could'nt of said it better myself.



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i have a springer spaniel small type. I use him for every ocasion. ferreting, bushing, flushing, retreiving but the best one is lamping. moast places i go are over grown and can only get short runs but he will go all night and catches 3 out of 5 bunnies. but he cant course on an open field as the bunnies leave him standing.


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  spanielsandhawks said:
i have a springer spaniel small type. I use him for every ocasion. ferreting, bushing, flushing, retreiving but the best one is lamping. moast places i go are over grown and can only get short runs but he will go all night and catches 3 out of 5 bunnies. but he cant course on an open field as the bunnies leave him standing.


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  spanielsandhawks said:
  spanielsandhawks said:
i have a springer spaniel small type. I use him for every ocasion. ferreting, bushing, flushing, retreiving but the best one is lamping. moast places i go are over grown and can only get short runs but he will go all night and catches 3 out of 5 bunnies. but he cant course on an open field as the bunnies leave him standing.

hes a sound looking dog wat bloodlines he out of.atb
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  poacher3161 said:
  spanielsandhawks said:
  spanielsandhawks said:
i have a springer spaniel small type. I use him for every ocasion. ferreting, bushing, flushing, retreiving but the best one is lamping. moast places i go are over grown and can only get short runs but he will go all night and catches 3 out of 5 bunnies. but he cant course on an open field as the bunnies leave him standing.

hes a sound looking dog wat bloodlines he out of.atb



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I've got a spanielx collie and he can do nearly everything (I'd call that versatile) he's not too shabby on retrieving although could do with some work (he's only 2 so plenty time) hes great for ferreting and tracking down anything with a scent (even got him doing money!) He has longer legs than a spaniel and moves a lot faster and is very agile (will retrieve the dummy from over a 4- 5 foot fence). He also does course rabbits when told to to the point of catching (although I think Ive just been lucky.)

His collie side shows in the form of a guard dog for some reason lol and the other typical collie attributes.

I think hes a great all rounder and wouldnt have any other dog in my home.



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