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Can anyone give any advice please.


Pup will not shut up when contained, put the dogs in the back of the Jeep, and as soon as I go to shut the back door the pup starts kicking off and won't shut up, tried all kinds, now my 5 year old dog is kicking off when he kicks off,


tried quieting him and then as soon as shut the car door again he is kicking off again, seems like he is either kicking off because he knows he is going out or because he is telling me off for putting him in the back


tried throwing a few big chews in the back, sausages and whatever, and quiet until it's gone, he is proper cheeky.


Even done some dog psychology with the little sh** and he seems like he is responding well and then as soon as I go to shut the back door he kicks off, I put him in a calm submissive state and then let him sit there relaxed and then I go to shut the back and he goes mad, he does the same if I put him in the cage while I clean out or whatever.


Does anyone know of anything that really works, am at the verge of getting electric collars but would like to know if anyone knows any other ways of chilling him out, need to stop it now, as the older dog is pushing it a bit too and got to keep them knowing who's boss, havent introduced him to the other lads' dogs yet until after the summer, so want this well nipped in the bud by then.


Any help is greatly appreciated.



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Try water pistol, or spray collar. Doing the dog work I do i dont like the use of electric collars or prong collars & you're willing to work with him even though it must be driving you nuts. A quick NO or QUIET & blast of water will shut him up

Have you tried him in the front?? if he will settle in the front- do that then transfer him to back. Can he still see you in back??

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Thanks for the replies,


What I want is to be able to settle him and chill him without the use of collars if poss, if I used a water pistol the older dog would go nuts, he would attack the water, used to attack the hose when cleaning the yard.


They are going through that competitive stage at the minute, the dog has let the pup away with loads for months but has he is getting bigger (7 months now) he is having him off and pinning him down and submitting him, still only a warning and doesnt draw blood. They are hard work ha ha


so as far as putting the pup in the front the older dog will start kicking off, he used to be silent traveller, little bit of whining when near to location etc but fairly quiet.


They can see me, they are in the back of jeep behind rear seats, loads of room, I think it's a combination of the following,


When at home he doesnt like to leave my side, so see's me as his pack leader but goes off his head if I am leaving him.

Got away with a lot from 6 weeks onwards as had to constantly watch my other dog with him until my other dog seen that he was one of us, other dog got shouted at a lot and he got away with murder because if I had have give him a slap or shouted at him while my other dog was there the other dog would have done away with him. So he probably been pampered a bit whilst introducing to other dog, cause was cautious of dog eating him...


Is hard work because of my other dog, hard to get training time in to for him because they are competing, if I had him alone would be sound and would train him the way I have all my other past dogs but first time I have kept two dogs together with me.


Thanks again for replies and any more advice appreciated

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thanks molly,


yea he is defo pushing his luck, little s*** ha ha I bought a high pitched whistle today and was gonna try that everytime he barks.


had them out today for long walk and was deafening me all day on the drive out, he's not too bad coming back when he's knackered but has little spurts and when I blank him he just settles, doesn't work unless they have been out, or been for long long walk. will do what you said, sounds as it may work.


I have tried doin the blanking him on its own without the walk in between and he just doesn't stop even if I ignore him for over an hour..


Will do this tomorrow though


Thanks, will let ya know if any change

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