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just wondering

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Just browsing and saw this thread, nice.


John Darling was my hero when I was a kid and owned a .177 Russion plinker, I'd love to find some of his old articles.


Only now at the tender age of 37 have I purchased an HW80k combo and John's book. Hours at the range has being spent getting consistent (ish) and now searching for permissions in Dorset. It's going to compliment the trout fishing perfectly.


I can safely say John Darling has been the major influence in me picking up this quest for natural food sources of the bunny variety and while I have yet to secure a permission it will be all credit to John and his memory when I bag that first rabbit.


Great forum chaps by the way.



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Welcome aboard Rob. ;):bye:


Cheers Chaps. Would like to think I'll be contributing somewhat when a permission lands. Seems they are like rocking horse doo doo.


I can understand the reticence of landowners, but it's real difficult to get across trusworthiness/respect for the land etc. when they don't know you.


I had one stable say they had a real problem with rabbits on their main land but wouldn't allow anyone to shoot because of the horses.


I can appreciate the concern, but it seems nigh on impossible to get across the responsible, safe, family man that respects country life image !


The longer it takes I guess the better shot I'll be when I get some land!




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