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Any one seen this before

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wont be legal in uk


:icon_eek: Why not Stubby??


There is no legislation that I know of that precludes the use of any spring trap for moles so long as they are placed on their underground runs.


Whippeter - order one, I would love to see your face when you open the box . . . they are absolutely huge !!


I will post a photo later for you to show you just how big they are



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I manufacture a competing trap and I know it's bad form to bad mouth the competition, but even so I have to say that this is a completely ridiculous trap. It's huge and expensive and the trigger is nowhere near sensitive enough to catch an animal as small as a mole. Don't know how people come up with these products.


If you do want to buy one, keep in mind the "Easy Set Mole Trap" is the original, and the "Easy Mole Trap" is a look alike copy manufactured in China(and it's surprisingly well made but is still a poor trap design). These traps weigh in at just a hair under 3 pounds, so shipping costs to UK will be astronomical.

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