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shorten the barrel of my S200?

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hello, is it possible to shorten the barrel of my 200 about two inches, without affecting accuracy?


thank you


You MAY find that accuracy can suffer a wee bit?, but it should be able to be overcome. :)


With regards to the barrel shortening: So long as the total overall measurement from arse end of the rifle/action assembly right upto the muzzle end (this is taken with stock and any moderator removed, mind. ;) ) doesn't come to less than 24 inches, then you'll be fine. :)


Anything less than that, and things start becoming a bit more difficult - in respect of the Firearms Act, and the air rifle & air pistol classifications. :hmm:



All the best,


Edited by Grim Reaper
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With regards to the barrel shortening: So long as the total overall measurement from arse end of the rifle/action assembly right upto the muzzle end (this is taken with stock and any moderator removed, mind;) ) doesn't come to less than 24 inches, then you'll be fine.


or have you had this information?

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With regards to the barrel shortening: So long as the total overall measurement from arse end of the rifle/action assembly right upto the muzzle end (this is taken with stock and any moderator removed, mind. ;) ) doesn't come to less than 24 inches, then you'll be fine.


or have you had this information?



How do you mean Zac mate? ;)

I am not sure what you are asking bud? :blink::icon_redface:



Cheers, :)


Edited by Grim Reaper
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Shortening barrels is pretty simple and if done well doesnt make any difference to short/ mid range accuracy,ive shortned quite a few to make them more compact.


Its not illegal as somebody has implied,many factory made guns have barrels shorter than 24"many of the HW's come with a sixteen inch barrel off the shelf.

Few tips,

All rifleing is different and you shouldn't shorten the barrel to less than 1 full revolution of the pellet,get the tech data of the barrel of your gun,eg

HW 80,.22 cal 1 full revolution = 14" HW80 .177 = 12" if anything when i shortned the HW80 .177 it became more accurate [less affected by barrel flip i think].


Spring guns arent affected at all on the power front by shortening,when a pellet has travelled 7 or 8 inches up the barrel its absorbed all the power its going to get,

with pcp it does make a difference,notice all purpose made FAC pcp's have longer barrels,its something to do with absorbtion of power which i dont really understand.


Clamp the barrel but protect its from the jaws of the vice,use a fine bladed hacksaw to cut,try to cut it as square as possible,the bore will be damaged by cutting and needs countersinking to remove burr,i ussually block the barrel with tissue to stop filings entering it and use a sanding block and emery cloth to re-finish the end,then re-blue.


The trickiest part is countersinking the bore,the pellet should leave the barrel "evenly" to test after countersinking see if the gun shoots groups without "flyers" if it does its ok,if not carefully re-countersink and i have cured problems by using very fine emery cloth to just tickle the end of the rifleing,a peice wrapped round a pencil point is best to do this but be careful or you will end up starting again.

Bear in mind the gun will be scope only if you shorten the barrel,unless you can re machine the grooves for the foresite that is. atb steve.

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[snipped] . . .


Its not illegal as somebody has implied,


many factory made guns have barrels shorter than 24"many of the HW's come with a sixteen inch barrel off the shelf. This may well be the case, but i am sure that if you were to measure the action AND barrel together, once the barrel has been properly mounted into the action, then i am sure you will find the overall measurement thereby acheived will be 24 inches or more. :thumbs: Grim.


[snipped] . . .


atb steve.


Hi Steve, :)



Umm . . . If, by chance, I am the 'someone' to whom you refer, I would just like to take this opportunity to say something in defence of my post a little earlier on in this thread. ;)


With reference to the italicised text above:

I didn't state or imply that to shorten the barrel of an air rifle is illegal, although maybe I should have done* - that is a mistake on my part, for which reason I am editing this post now. I was merely trying to point out a few points contained within the firearms act which I feel pertinent to the original enquirey?


Namely, that to shorten the barrel to an extent below that which is the minimum allowed for an air rifle to be classified an air rifle - thereby making it (hypothetically), to all intents and purposes, into an air pistol (in theory only, not in practicality), then obviously the power of that air gun [shall we say at this point] would need to be suitably re-adjusted so as to be at 6 Ft/Lbs or less (the legal limit of power for an air pistol), if you get what I mean? ;):thumbs:


I just felt it was a good 'point of note' that not everyone may readilly think of, or even be aware of - I am sure most people would admit that the Firearms Act can be (and IS) very confusing in itself, and so this sort of action [if it were to be taken] would need careful consideration beforehand. That's about the gist of what I meant when I posted my reply? :thumbs:




Regards, :)



* Credit to Mal for pointing out the inacuracy of THIS particular post of mine, which is now edited. Grim.

Edited by Grim Reaper
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Great post as always Grim. ;)


I believe I read somewhere that it's totally against the law in the UK to convert a rifle to a pistol & vice versa. :hmm:


I think it was on a site regarding modifying ratcatchers. Just as an example, even though the ratcatcher is just an extended version of the 2240 (ratbuster) pistol, you cannot convert one to the other. It's all to do with the serial numbers, once a rifle's been stamped as a rifle, it has to stay a rifle, and vice versa.


Even though air guns are unlicensed, there are certain still records kept regarding serial numbers, where they were sold, what models they are, etc.

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Great post as always Grim. ;)


I believe I read somewhere that it's totally against the law in the UK to convert a rifle to a pistol & vice versa. :hmm:


I think it was on a site regarding modifying ratcatchers. Just as an example, even though the ratcatcher is just an extended version of the 2240 (ratbuster) pistol, you cannot convert one to the other. It's all to do with the serial numbers, once a rifle's been stamped as a rifle, it has to stay a rifle, and vice versa.


Even though air guns are unlicensed, there are certain still records kept regarding serial numbers, where they were sold, what models they are, etc.


Thanks for your words Mal - much appreciated, in all respects! :yes:


I have re-read my post above, and can now see that it does seem to have a bit of ambiguity in there i think, but no matter, i will try to sort that out ASAP. :thumbs:


It certainly is a hard area to try and understand, and this is why it is important we all work together on things like these, when they come up in topic, to help devlop that understanding better. I reckon, anyway. ;)



Thanks again bud,


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Sorry mate its a valid point i suppose, but if you leave the stock full i cant see a problem?


The weapon would still be classed as a rifle i think,but as you say its a grey area,


Wouldn't want to open that can of worms though,there's enough restrictions already without giving them any more ideas.


atb steve.

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Sorry mate its a valid point i suppose, but if you leave the stock full i cant see a problem?


The weapon would still be classed as a rifle i think,but as you say its a grey area,


Wouldn't want to open that can of worms though,there's enough restrictions already without giving them any more ideas.


atb steve.



No problem buddy. Thankyou :)


I agree with your 'can of worms' statement wholeheartedly - but unfortunately, 'they' have already had that idea, hence the above point i was trying to get out (and yes, i appologise for it having come out ever so slightly the wrong way round!! :blink: ).




All the best, :)


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