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Which pellet , which gun .

Guest buster321c

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Guest buster321c

The intention of this list is for you to be able to narrow down your pellet options however you will still need to test a few types of pellets to identify which sort is best suited to your barrel because even different guns but the same make and model can differ in their pellet preference.

If your gun likes pellets that are not on the list please PM me and i will add the information .




Air Arms

Prosport: Daystate FT

TX200 Mk2: AA Fields, JSB Exacts 4.52

TX200 Mk3: JSB Exacts 4.52, Crosman premiers, AA Fields 4.41

TX200 HC: Defiant, AA Fields 5.52

Pro-Target: AA Fields 4.51

S400 Classic: Defiant 4.52, AA Fields 4.52, JSB Exact 4.52, Logun Penetrator, Mozzies 4.52, Bisley LRG 4.52

S410: Webley Mosquitos 4.52, JSB Exact 4.52, AA Fields 4.52, Logun Penetrator, JSB heavies

S410k: AA Fields 4.51, Logun Penetrators, Predator Polymags

S310: Crossman PowaPells,Eley Wasps,RWS super Domes,RWS Super Hollow Points.




Supersport: AA Fields, H&N FTT

Superten: Logun Penetrators, Bisley Magnums 4.51

Lightning XL: AA Fields 4.50, Mosquito

Ultra: Daystate 4.53, JSB 4.53

Hornet: Daystate 4.53, JSB 4.53

Scorpion: Daystate 4.53, JSB 4.53, H&N FTT's

Ultra: Daystate Select 4.53, Logun penetrators, Baracuda Match

Superten BBk: Bisley magnums 4.51, Defiants, Logun Penetrators

XL tactical: AA Fields, Daystate selects



MK3: JSB Exact 4.52, Baracuda Match, AA Fields

Air Wolf Mk3: Daystate select 4.53

MK4 .177: JSB exacts 4.52

Air Ranger: Daystate 4.52, JSB Exacts 4.52, JSB heavies

X2: JSB Exacts, Daystate select ft,



Prairie PF18: AA Fields 4.52

Lighthunter: AA Fields



Axsor k: Crossman Accupels, Crossman Premiers, AA Fields 4.51

Solo: JSB Exact 4.53




Ft 100: JSB Exact 4.52


MFR: Accupels, Daystate select 4.53

Theoben S-TYPE:AA Field Diablos 4.52 heads. JSB exacts

Theoben's engineers do not recommend acuppels in any of their rifles barrels due to the high steel content and potential damage to their barrels. If used in their rifles then your warranty will be void for any repairs due to this.




Xocet : AA Fields




HW77k: AA Fields 4.52

HW35: AA Fields 4.52

Hw100 sporter: Mosquito 4.52, JSB Exact 4.52

HW80: Crosman Premiers

HW100k: JSB Exact 4.52, Bisley Magnum 4.51

HW100: JSB Exact 4.52

HW97k: Mozzie 4.52

HW100k: Mosquito Express, Daystate Select FT 4.53





Rapid MkI: JSB Exacts, Baracudas

Rapid MkII: H&N FTT, Bisley Superfield



Air Arms

S200: Mosquitoes, AA Fields 5.52, AA Fields,Accupells

S410: h&n ftt, AA Fields 5.52

S410k: AA Fiels 5.51, Accupells

TDR: AA Fields

TX200 MkIII: JSB Exacts, Express



Meteor: accupells, Napier Power Hunters

Scorpion: AA Fields 5.52, H&N FTT, RWS Superdome

Super10 BB k: Crosman Powapels

Super10 k: Daystate FT's 5.52

XL Tactical: Acupels, LRG's

Hornet: Accupells , AA Fields



400: H&N Hollopoint,RWS Hobby

220: Defiant 5.50

Cometa 300s Air Arms Feilds

Fenix 400: AA Fields




King Ratcatcher: Accupells




FN12 .22: Accupels




Gamo CFX: AA Fields



Logun S16: JSB Exacts 5.52

Logun Axsor .22: Accupell, H&N FTT



RWS excalibre Accupells , Air Arms diablo 5.51




Rapid mkI: H&N FTT

Rapid mkII: JSB Exacts, Daystate FT's, AA Fields

SLR98: JSB Exacts, JSB Express

Theoben Evolution HN Field Target Trophys




HW95k: AA Fields 5.52, H&N FTT

77k: RWS Hobby, Dynamic SN2

80: Crossman Accupels, H&N FTT




Raider 10: Weihrauch F+T Special, Defiant 5.50

Raider 22: AA Fields 5.51, Weihrauch F&T Specials

Longbow SE: AA Fields


.22 (FAC)

Air Arms

S410: Daystate FT, AA Fields, JSB's, Bisley Magnums



Super10: Crosman Powapels, AA Fields 5.52



Superstar .25: H&N FTT

Edited by buster321c
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Nice list buster. I was actually going to post a thread today asking for people to tell us which pellets they use in which guns so that people buying a new gun know where to start. This has solved that problem though.


Any chance of this being stickied or put in the faq section so it does not get lost in this board?





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Guest buster321c
Is the information correct?


No its all wrong , i just put it up to waste peoples time .



The intention of this list is for you to be able to narrow down your pellet options however you will still need to test a few types of pellets to identify which sort is best suited to your barrel because even different guns but the same make and model can differ in their pellet preference.


Edited by buster321c
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Is the information correct?


No its all wrong , i just put it up to waste peoples time .



The intention of this list is for you to be able to narrow down your pellet options however you will still need to test a few types of pellets to identify which sort is best suited to your barrel because even different guns but the same make and model can differ in their pellet preference.



There's no need for the sarcasm pal, i was wondering if it was actually correct because i'm going to go out and buy some more pelets for my gun.

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Guest buster321c
Is the information correct?


No its all wrong , i just put it up to waste peoples time .



The intention of this list is for you to be able to narrow down your pellet options however you will still need to test a few types of pellets to identify which sort is best suited to your barrel because even different guns but the same make and model can differ in their pellet preference.



There's no need for the sarcasm pal, i was wondering if it was actually correct because i'm going to go out and buy some more pelets for my gun.



NOt sarcasm , but if you read the thread properly it does say it narrows down your search and even gives you a link to trial packs so you can be sure that your happy with `your ` choise .

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Are you adding to it if and when you find out what people use, because as i said in my RWS excalibre .22 i use accupells or air arms diablo 5.51


just thought if anyone else has this gun but i dont know many who do.

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Guest buster321c
I believe they are Bisley Long Range Golds. Someone correct me if I am wrong.

Oh and my BSA Hornet .22 seems to like accupells but I havn't tried it with much else.






Edited , cheers

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