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Relum Tornado

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Right, basically i've got an old Relum Tornado thats been neglected in a bag in the shed. Now my younger brother likes shooting so i'm trying to restore so that'll it'l do the job for him, heres whats up with it:


  • Pellets stuck in the barrell
  • No pin at the back of the barrell that holds the spring in
  • Rusty barrell
  • Wants a new spring




The pellets stuck in the barrell, a local shop owner said he'd get them out for me, the problem being is that it loads from above, like a tap system, but he seems to think he can do it.


The rust i'll take off with a bit of oil, and i've seen a Number 1 OX spring for it, £18


I was thinking for the pin, saw a nail that will fit down, use a grinder to smooth it off, maybe that'll do the trick?


The stock wants a nice varnish or something on it to give it a nice finish.


Do you think its worth sorting out or just trying to buy a second hand old rifle for him?


By the way, if anyone has an old rifle that there willing to let go for cheap that'd be a help, rather than doing this up, although it might be good doing it up?






Edited by Lee85
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I would think a nail would be too soft for holding the spring in, you might get away with it if you harden the nail though. If you can find the real thing (or one the same size!) for sensible money, I'd go for it. What diameter is the hole? and how wide is the cylinder? I'll have a look through my various guns and see if any of their pins are likely to fit.


As for Ox springs, I wouln't bother. Much better to get a standard spring to fit, the rifle will be sweeter and more accurate for it.


HTH, James

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God I havn't seen one of them for a few years! a mate of mine had one of these in the late 70's, I remember is going off with a hell of a Twang :laugh:.....


There used to be a couple of airgun spares places Knibbs and Chambers, I'm not sure if they are still going?





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well worth restoring


i have an old 70's rellum sport and it still shoots spot on at nearly 9ft/lbs aswell !!!!!!


ox springs are crap, but it might be the only one you can get.


as jasper says they make a hell of a twang.............bet at least you know its working when it does.


good luck with it mate


all the best



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I might go for it, i'll update the topic as and when, brass is a bit tight at the mo, but in the near future i'll give it a go. thanks for them links, some usefull bits I might be able to pick up

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  • 1 month later...

first of all can i just say a big thankyou to lee for his speedy response :D i am now the new project manager thats the 14 pellets out the barrel :icon_eek: and a new pin made out of a drill bit can anyone advise me on the best way to compress the spring to get it back in :hmm: thanks in advance neil

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