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I was out the other week lamping with my little bullcross bitch kink on some land that i wasnt familuar too i slipped her on a bunny and she went to pick up on the hedge and just she was about to pick it up i saw an object appear out of the corner of the lamp... :o to my horror the dog went straight down this concrete drain i ran over i cud here splashing lucky enough this drain wasnt that deep i got her out gave her a check over.Blood was pouring from her tongue and gums her top left fang was snapped in half and the top taken off the one underneath i am gona take her to the vets this week for a check up see what they say but im wondering if any lads have had this happen or know what the best thing to do would be :thumbs: i know you might say ive took the piss taking her to the vets but 1 i aint had the money and ive just got back into work and 2 she hasnt shown any signs of discumfort she eats fine and theres no change in her.



atb penda

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I slipped my dog on what i thought was a sitting rabbit last year..it was a rock.. :icon_eek: ..

He smashed his two right hand canines in half and they where hanging on by skin..i had to pull them out of his mouth in the fiels..on closer examination he had smashed 7 teeth in total all on the same side..

I took him to the vet's the following day and was advised to leave thing's how they are unless he show's any sign of uncomfort when eating..it has been about 8mth since it has happened and to date he has had now trouble with them.. :thumbs: ..



Thanks millet some people have said get them took out but i think if its not causing any discomfort just to leave them shes eating great and every thing

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Thats what i thought messing about with the teeth and getting them took out may be more of a problem then actually breaking them, i have saw dogs in the past with about 3 teeth in there mouths and there still great dogs

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The mouth heals so quickly, i know lots of dogs that have broken K9's from playing with stones, boomer balls and large beef bones. As long as there is no sign of infection or discomfort then leave her be, dogs adjust extremely well to things like this and will probably never have a problem with it.

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Dont worry about it Penda mate. Bullx tend to lose teeth eventually due to the amount of work they have to endure.(heavy quarry and such like)The mouth produces its own cleaning agents so its best left alone unless severe discomfort is caused. Atb stabba.

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i know of a bitch who broke both her canines on one side, top and bottom,

she learned to use the other side of her mouth, and to this day was rated as one of the best.

her name ...

Edited by dean1
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