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plummer Terriers

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To be honest I couldn't give a toss about reasons for the oc. nor can I give a toss about what is and what isn't produced as a result of it. It has been done and in the past. Can't be changed. Why can't we concentrate on what can be done for the future instead of going over the same old. Glenn I believe I have asked you before if you are man enough. Are you man enough to forget about the age old situation and actually start concentrating on using your knowledge to benefit the breed as a whole? Instead of using what you know to prove people wrong all the time?


You can ignore this/me. Fine by me... The above question has been asked many a time and I believe the answer is probably no you are not able.


Its not a case of proving anyone wrong Dan just pointing out the facts , to the general public.



"Are you man enough to forget about the age old situation and actually start concentrating on using your knowledge to benefit the breed as a whole? Instead of using what you know to prove people wrong all the time?"


Before your time Dan which is not so long ago my pride was swallowed for the sake of the breed but was kicked yet again in the teeth. As far as being man enough..remember you bit our fingers to the tune of (£176.00!)


I have and there is no need to concentrate on using my knowledge blah blah blah FOR YOU Dan things seem fine over here ..its those outsiders that hate authority that seem to bleating about problems .Sort your own mess out or obey the club rules if you can !!..the clubs PTA and the EPTS seem ok to me ...but then again your not part of any are you, due to your back door moves and dishonesty...so i personally would be very foolish to again lay down with your ilk fine some other mug to sort your mess out.


Its up to club members of the PTA and the EPTS to talk with there cooperation things will move for the better..but those who whinge like you on the outside do nothing to help at all.


But thats politics dan Im not here for your thoughts and views on politics .. i was i believe correcting a statement that I considered to be wrong about dimorphism that man seems to have gone very quite on that subject so i presume my point has hit home ...the outcross wasn't used to eradicate some form of dimorphismand hasn't as the above pics prove.


Glenn I am in no mess. Quite the opposite to be honest. It is much better when you don't have to deal with back stabbing yes men day in day out. Spending fortunes on phone calls trying to sort through immature little squabbles partly fuelled by you. I don't know how any of you actually get out with the dogs!


You have a nerve - the amount of my time and energy i put into your failed club, whilst you struggled to control the rest of your disfunctional committee.


Back door moves, lol - you better ask Darren about the plan he had, through his mates wife.....


Basically better the devil you know Glenn. It does make me smile.


Bottom line is you are failed and can't see it. Failing the breed. The people you want to deal with don't want to know....


Me i'll just carry on with my dogs and hope one day you all sort it out for the good of the terriers.

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