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next years warrior

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looks like a pat x staff,is it?? and why dock the tail,i'm not against it but surely better on for a worker.


PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY it should be better for a working dog to not have the tail docked should be an interesting read.


even if you just think of a dog turning or going backwards in a tube you must be able to see that a longer tail would do the dog any benifits. if the dog is going through the bushes and thorns you could also see that the tail wags with some speed and is more like a whip in most breads, in such cases the tail can take some serious damage and have to be removed when the dog is older. Tails on working dogs have been docked as long as dogs have been working with man, and the docking ban is a result of people that have not got a clue with nothing better to do getting up in the morning in the city and not knowing any thing about the countrie side and their traditions.


HTS :victory:

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This is what I get for mixing wine and beer,i dont normally put pics of my terriers :no: now,Transit my mate bred him,we have all his family between a few of us.

NBK havent a clue what your saying,but i think the gist of it is where the dog is standing,thats where someone you know met me?and you can tell that from the stones on the ground?fcuk your good.would those geezers be from Blarney?Hepher his ancestors were originally Parkes but a few local dogs in the mix over the years,just a line we keep.

Fishy im never rude on purpose so I wont write what I'd think is fitting to your remarks,it says it all I think :clapper: Bull a few generations back in him,2 came strong and brown,the rest leggy and black.You could be after the wine too me thinks :clapper:

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