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RWS superdomes

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imo you get what you pay for. so id rather pay few quid or pence more and have something thats going to shoot well.


But by all means try them and if they are any good in your gun, tell me and i'll by some for my lightning (just got it and goin out with it this week)

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Just as scuba says, just get one tin to start. Bear in mind you'll have to re-zero to the different pellet brand, but they have as much chance of being good as any others! No two rifles are the same when it comes to pellets. A friend of mine had a MK1 lightning some years ago, and it absolutely loved superdomes, but my HW95 really didn't like them. Likewise, my Mk1 Superten loved superdomes, but the R10 I've just got spits them out in alarmingly random patterns!

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  aaronpigeonplucker said:
the reason i'm trying a different pellet is because

1. i've gort a new scope so it dosent really matter because its not zeroed for any pellet yet

2. my pocket money only allows me to buy superdomes!


For that reason, I hope they're good then mate!

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Hey Aaron,


I've just got a BSA Scorpion air rifle. I was given RWS superdomes by the guy in the shop (free tin). I asked him about buying the flat hunting pellets, he said they were OK but why pay an extra £2-3 per tin for them. His opinion was that if you shoot something in the head at 30-40yrds regardless of the pellet you're going to kill it!


I have just shot 5 of them through the same hole at 25 yrds. Like someone else has already said I think certain guns 'like' a particular pellet.


Hope you find them OK.

Edited by beagle1812
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  aaronpigeonplucker said:
i am going to buy some RWS superdomes to replace my old airarm fielsd diablo as superdomes are a lot cheaper. will superdomes be jsut as good as aa field pellets?

thanks , Aaron


I have found that the aa's are the best pellets in my rifles 97k and the hw100t they don't like superdomes, but on the pigeon watch forum a guy said that the superdomes were the best pellets in his bsa lightning.

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  aaron pigeon plucker said:
i heard from TimeLord that accuppels are one of the most dirty pellets and that they damage the rifelling of your gun over time.


yes they are dirty pellets ,but then you clean your barrel.i do a pull through every 300 and still hitting the kill zone




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