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Eye Shot Should Kill It With Your BSA :gunsmilie:


I do hope your joking! :wallbash:


Don't Snare It If you have no means of Dispatch, It could still be alive when you get there and I don't think It'd be much fun trying to release a Fox from a Snare! :icon_eek:



i was testing him lol




I Am Joking Butch Pal :clapper:

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look stop messin :angry: with me my view on foxes has changed, i just wanted to know if you know any ways if getting rid of it without a SGC or a FAC.

No there is not. So if i were you dont even buy a trap to trap it because you wont be able to dispatch it!

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well my ducks are not safe unless i put them in with the chickens wich are in my very secure inclosure wich no fox has ever got into for 6 years!!!


Problem solved then, put them in with the chickens, in the fox proof enclosure. :wallbash:


Better hope it is fox proof though, or you'll be minus chooks and ducks. 8)

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uuuhhh....hiho, the ban!

Who gives a dam about that !


Look aaron, if you cant kill it then dont trap it.


If a fox aint got into your chicken shed in 6 years then put them in there and stop crying. He WILL get in and WILL kill them in the end. So typing on here isnt going to get you anywhere. The only thing you can do is set those trip wires about to DETER him from getting them !

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