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i picked up a couple of hobs tonight off a chap off here, they seem in good nick and are tame enough but;


they stink! is there any way i can give them a wash?


wheres the best place to get frontline for if they get fleas/ticks


and whats the best way to treat marked necks if they have been grabbing each other, in light of the time of year i would like to know before hand


any advice greatly appreciated, and they are settling in happily :victory:

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The smell is because of the time of year and the breeding season. If you wash em the smell will come back in a couple of days. I get my fleas and tick treatment from the vet as some of the treatments can be too strong for ferrets. I will check what its called and put it up for you.

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i picked up a couple of hobs tonight off a chap off here, they seem in good nick and are tame enough but;


they stink! is there any way i can give them a wash?


wheres the best place to get frontline for if they get fleas/ticks


and whats the best way to treat marked necks if they have been grabbing each other, in light of the time of year i would like to know before hand


any advice greatly appreciated, and they are settling in happily :victory:


Ok dont mend it if its not broken , if you change the bedding regular the smell is minimal , males smell stronger this time of year anyway its normal, bathing wont make them smell any sweeter it will make them smell more if you do it all the time

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washing them wont help mate it will just make them produce more oils and stink more, it that time of year it will pass but personally i dont think its that bad a smell, my hob marked my jills neck i just use some antiseptic powder you get from your vets , i am no expert but i hope this helps, mostly with ferts it read a little then learn as you go read / learn/read/learn dont take long there are lots of helpfull people on here, dont take notice of the tossers. good luck

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Mate i got 2 hobs the other day and they are like something off brokeback mountain lol i've had to seperate them as for frontline spray i had some from ebay america, but a couple of people off here have told me you can get it over the counter in the chemist! Good luck mate i've only had mine about a week or so so am completely new to it all.

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cheers guys i got a two tier utch with them, its not as big as my hutch but it might be worth it im at work tomoorow again so i will clean it out, singe it and refelt it tomorrow so it can sit outside with em for the next couple ogf weeks , then they can go in the big hutch together in the shed after that, they seem happy just sniffing around and bouncing and squeaking, alls good will try get soe pics up. as for names bertie for the poley, and fred for the albino i think :thumbs: keep you posted





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Mate i got 2 hobs the other day and they are like something off brokeback mountain lol i've had to seperate them as for frontline spray i had some from ebay america, but a couple of people off here have told me you can get it over the counter in the chemist! Good luck mate i've only had mine about a week or so so am completely new to it all.


good luck to you to i will handle them most the day sunday to get really used to me and ready to roll

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