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have spent some time ringing round farms near my area and to my surprise have got some success, rang one farm and the lad answered saying i would have to speak to his dad as the people they had didnt come very often and one of the other farms i rang his wife answered but said they have a rabbit problem and their rabbit man has given up so iv got to go meet the farmer tomorrow. any tips on giving the right impression to secure the deal. all advice would be grateful cheers.

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Oh well done, make sure your neat & tidy , dont know how old you are but if your a young lad dont go in hoody & that sort of stuff , be polite & tell them what you can offer , you will respect the land & the quarry etc & last but not least


Good Luck :thumbs::thumbs:

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have spent some time ringing round farms near my area and to my surprise have got some success, rang one farm and the lad answered saying i would have to speak to his dad as the people they had didnt come very often and one of the other farms i rang his wife answered but said they have a rabbit problem and their rabbit man has given up so iv got to go meet the farmer tomorrow. any tips on giving the right impression to secure the deal. all advice would be grateful cheers.


hi the best advice is take your team with you, the ferrets you use if you are using dogs take them as well to proove you have control over your animals and that they are stock broken.

and over all be polite even if you are borderline ass kissing lol well good look with that friend and keep us posted

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drove to meet farmer today as planned and got a tour of the land he wants the rabbits off, got lamping permission aswel as the ferreting. loads of burrows to go at on a good sized farm. chuffed to bits thanks for all the advice.

well done and congratulations keep us posted how it goes

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have spent some time ringing round farms near my area and to my surprise have got some success, rang one farm and the lad answered saying i would have to speak to his dad as the people they had didnt come very often and one of the other farms i rang his wife answered but said they have a rabbit problem and their rabbit man has given up so iv got to go meet the farmer tomorrow. any tips on giving the right impression to secure the deal. all advice would be grateful cheers.

one thing i do mate is get some thing of them to put in your car so if its parked up at night the police no who you are and were you are sounds daft but works well that way when they pass your car parked up they no who it is i do it every time also phone the farmer a time you will be there.

and like some one said christmas card bottle of whisky or the odd rabbit will work wonders. good luck you will get the next farm and the one after that i started with one 5 years ago now got 7 in the same area


i only visit one farm every 7 weeks that way dont get shy and over ferreted

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'j davies' date='Apr 11 2009, 10:10 PM' post='1002507']

='chingo35' post='1000157' date='Apr 10 2009, 01:35 PM']have spent some time ringing round farms near my area and to my surprise have got some success, rang one farm and the lad answered saying i would have to speak to his dad as the people they had didnt come very often and one of the other farms i rang his wife answered but said they have a rabbit problem and their rabbit man has given up so iv got to go meet the farmer tomorrow. any tips on giving the right impression to secure the deal. all advice would be grateful cheers.

one thing i do mate is get some thing of them to put in your car so if its parked up at night the police no who you are and were you are sounds daft but works well that way when they pass your car parked up they no who it is i do it every time also phone the farmer a time you will be there.


IM not keen on putting anything on my car tell folk what I'm up to you might come back and find your cars been vandalised, ive a agreement with the farmer's i park my car at such and such a spot and all the keepers ,baliffs farmers know if there a green car there im out work well for years with me

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