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Wants rid alltogether?

Where do you fit into this long term plan?


Wipe the breeding rabbits and there young out alltogether?


See you in september crying there is nothing to hunt...

nice one some one that sees what i do not many on here like you i manage my places only take what i need every year i get the same :clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper:

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So what do you say to the farmer who wants rid."Oh im sorry mr farmer but i must stop now coz ive just seen a pregnant doe" I think not. if its pest control then carry on Old Real Tree my friend.

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So what do you say to the farmer who wants rid."Oh im sorry mr farmer but i must stop now coz ive just seen a pregnant doe" I think not. if its pest control then carry on Old Real Tree my friend.
just go and show your face with all the tackle then tell him ferrets have killed them all down the warrens
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you'll always get mixed opinions on ferreting in summer, at the end of the day, its your choice, I'll always see it from a landowners point of view, its a pest that they want rid off, NOW... not later


last week I had a call from a lady, whose friend gets me to ferret her paddock a few times a year, anyway, she had been given my number, I ferreted it this morning, caught 5 rabbits, lost a good 8 from un netted areas, plus all the young rabbits simply hopped through the longnet, I purposly didnt take the dog, so theres plenty rabbits left there, BUT, Ive shown my face, ferreted when THEY WANTED IT, and secured not only ferreting permission anytime I want, but also got some ratting permission from her too, :clapper:

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Same here i was out last week got 15 rabbits lost a few over the boundry fences gave the boy a card and said if your happy call me in september he replied your welcome anytime

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Personaly we dont ferret in the spring and summer for the simple reason of young everywhere and you will be constantly

digging your ferrets out

But we do lamp with the rifles a lot through the spring and summer and account for a lot of rabbits this way or we sit in the

4x4 facing 2 or 3 big burries and pick off what we want we do try and leave the does that look like they are feeding cos at the

end of the day nobody wants to see any babies starve but even then occasionaly we do slip up

as regards to shooting the youngsters once they are out feeding the answer is yes cos at the end of the day that small rabbit

is very soon gonna be a big un and the more the farmers see the more they moan at us cos we are not doing our job properly

As regards wipeing out you next autums stock it just dont happen we have plenty of rabbits left come the winter

As this is a personal oppinion im sure others have there own ideas on summer rabbiting

max abell you are the voice of reason . :clapper: and what about the undergrowth snagging nets & making the holes difficult to find and access ? Once them does are paired -up and in kindle they get very territorial .Often rather run deeper into the burrow and make a fight of things than bolt .Believe me an adult rabbit ,given a bit of manouvring space, will not always back down to a ferret .I've seen a rabbit hop out of a burrow followed by the ferret . The bunny turned on the bumbling ferret ,boxed at it and gave it a kicking . . Then there are the nests of juicy kits ,the easily caught and devoured scuttlers and the fact that even an empty nest smelling of baby buns will hold a ferret's interest long enough for the ferreter to realise that out of season ferreting is always going to be a time-wasting and "sticky" business. Add to this the fact that breeding does are pretty unattractive and poorly -conditioned creatures and thus not much in demand by butchers .

As for ferreting in the summer for pest control .... Well ,far better to hit em hard in the Autumn and Winter with the freds and as "max abell" says ,pick off as many of the survivors as possible by other methods during the warmer months .

Hav'nt even touched on the subject of doing things in the "correct" season . Agree with the personal opinion thing mentioned by max abell but for me the sign of a hunter rather than someone who "just wants to kill things" is the ability to appreciate the seasonal changes ,culture and lores associated with the countryside . These are usually based on hard-learned lessons and experience going back many generations and are not just out-dated beliefs or boundaries to be tested . Ignore them and you will learn the hard way with long waits ,longer digs and lost ferrets !

Thanks mate glad you agree with us to us it makes sense to pack up ferreting in summer for lots of reasons but as mentioned there are other means

of rabbit control to keep your landowner happy and agree on a happy medium

but this post is not a moan at people who chose to carry on ferreting in summer its personal choice but not for us

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Personaly we dont ferret in the spring and summer for the simple reason of young everywhere and you will be constantly

digging your ferrets out

But we do lamp with the rifles a lot through the spring and summer and account for a lot of rabbits this way or we sit in the

4x4 facing 2 or 3 big burries and pick off what we want we do try and leave the does that look like they are feeding cos at the

end of the day nobody wants to see any babies starve but even then occasionaly we do slip up

as regards to shooting the youngsters once they are out feeding the answer is yes cos at the end of the day that small rabbit

is very soon gonna be a big un and the more the farmers see the more they moan at us cos we are not doing our job properly

As regards wipeing out you next autums stock it just dont happen we have plenty of rabbits left come the winter

As this is a personal oppinion im sure others have there own ideas on summer rabbiting

max abell you are the voice of reason . :clapper: and what about the undergrowth snagging nets & making the holes difficult to find and access ? Once them does are paired -up and in kindle they get very territorial .Often rather run deeper into the burrow and make a fight of things than bolt .Believe me an adult rabbit ,given a bit of manouvring space, will not always back down to a ferret .I've seen a rabbit hop out of a burrow followed by the ferret . The bunny turned on the bumbling ferret ,boxed at it and gave it a kicking . . Then there are the nests of juicy kits ,the easily caught and devoured scuttlers and the fact that even an empty nest smelling of baby buns will hold a ferret's interest long enough for the ferreter to realise that out of season ferreting is always going to be a time-wasting and "sticky" business. Add to this the fact that breeding does are pretty unattractive and poorly -conditioned creatures and thus not much in demand by butchers .

As for ferreting in the summer for pest control .... Well ,far better to hit em hard in the Autumn and Winter with the freds and as "max abell" says ,pick off as many of the survivors as possible by other methods during the warmer months .

Hav'nt even touched on the subject of doing things in the "correct" season . Agree with the personal opinion thing mentioned by max abell but for me the sign of a hunter rather than someone who "just wants to kill things" is the ability to appreciate the seasonal changes ,culture and lores associated with the countryside . These are usually based on hard-learned lessons and experience going back many generations and are not just out-dated beliefs or boundaries to be tested . Ignore them and you will learn the hard way with long waits ,longer digs and lost ferrets !

Thanks mate glad you agree with us to us it makes sense to pack up ferreting in summer for lots of reasons but as mentioned there are other means

of rabbit control to keep your landowner happy and agree on a happy medium

but this post is not a moan at people who chose to carry on ferreting in summer its personal choice but not for us

its an opinion in difference between sportsmen and pest controlers sportsman wants sport for next season and the pest controller wants to do his job right and that means all year round but both opinions are right from which ever side of the coin you are looking .

just keep up the hard work my friends on both sides of our great passion .

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We where out lamping last night and trying a differnt farm tonight need to crack on while the choice is still with us as the crops get higher we will soon have to stop even lamping

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We where out lamping last night and trying a differnt farm tonight need to crack on while the choice is still with us as the crops get higher we will soon have to stop even lamping


Did you do any good last night?

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No big numbers but the farmer came out and had a word ,When i started he said if you got them under control by may ive another 70 acres next to my brothers farm and i will get you on both .Last night he saw we where sticking at it and he's noticed a differnce in the rabbit numbers


So aye i think i did some good last night

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No big numbers but the farmer came out and had a word ,When i started he said if you got them under control by may ive another 70 acres next to my brothers farm and i will get you on both .Last night he saw we where sticking at it and he's noticed a differnce in the rabbit numbers


So aye i think i did some good last night


Nothing like a happy landowner, good result. :thumbs:

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Just got back in from lamping tonight not a lot of rabbits about but my lamping farms are ones i just use for lamping all big patches of gorse etc we snare them trap and lamp them ,but theres very few burrows we actually ferret so we dont lose much killing rabbits all year round on them

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is it ok to ferret now.... or is it best to wait a while....


i dont stop at all i will be ferreting untill the season starts again but i do it as controll and rabbits dont stop eating crops but it will get harder and harder as the land changes having saying that i wiil be relying more and more on snaring,shooting and trapping but i think that to keep rabbits to reasonable populations you need to work all round

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