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Went out for a couple of hours for a stroll and took the camera.


I hoped to get some pictures of the carp that frequent a bay I know on the river, however, when I got there it was full........but not with carp :icon_eek:





Then the only cow not in the water decided to gallop around me in circles for about 5 mins





Decided to just have a mooch about, found some nice runs along the sheep netting that may warrant a look at with a bit of brass wire :whistle:




Where did that come from? :good:




The old fallen Mink tree smelt pretty musky.......may have to gut the shed, im sure I have at least 4 bodygrippers down there. Actually, I am sure I lent them to a mate of mine last year, however he denies all knowledge of it. :cry:




Thats about it folks...........Checked out one of the flight ponds on the way back, crammed full of Canadians,




and lastly took a flower picture, I was worried this might be condidered a bit gay, but lets just cover myself by saying I took it for Shaggy as I believe he likes this kind of shit :whistle:




You may have gathered I treated myself to a new digital camera and am just practising and getting used to it.


All the best



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest chilli

What river is that ?



I saw a massive carp on the ouse a while back theres some stonkers in there easy over 40ib it was , Fella i used to work with fish's on the thames every weekend he hauls some fish from there but dont publisise it . Best up coming waters in britain the rivers are imho .

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Hi Lads,


The camera is a Canon EOS350D. Just looking for a good deal on a 75-300mm zoom at the moment. Some b*****d outbid me by 20p on Ebay last week on a real bargain. Thats the problem with nipping out and not being sat in front of the screen in the dying minute :angry:


The river in the pic is the Anker mate. I have been catching decent carp out of it for about 15 years. Loads of doubles and the occasional 20+. It's a good bit of sport.


The digital SLR was something I have really fancied for a while now. I have been having a few angling articles published in a couple of the angling monthlies. Just been asked to conribute to a new angling monthly that is due to be released July/August. I always felt the pics I use in my articles could be better, so I used the money they paid for the articles to purchase the camera. :good:


All the best



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I like the flower study Moocher :good: and lo & behold, an angling monthlys writer with wires in his bag :D there is hope for those mags yet.

Give us a clue what mag you write for and damm it man, I will buy it :D

Gave up on most of the carp monthlys years ago, mind you Cundiffs been earning a living out of the same article for 15 years :laugh:

That EOS looks a nice bit of kit............I have a G6 and I really like it.

Nice one,


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I used to be heavily into the carp fishing but far to many idiots in the game mate that spoil it for the genuine lads. The Carp monthlies are desperate for new material, I understand sales figures are way down on most mags. Mind you, there are about 30 different Carp mags out each month, its a joke!


I have had several article in Coarse Angling Today, but have not put anything in recently.


Midland Angler is the other mag I have been writing for. I did a six part series which is still running at the moment.


I do write articles on carp fishing, but more from an all rounder/ specialist point of view.


Some of the crap you read in carp mags, especially about bait is laughable! I cannot believe so many anglers fall for it. I have been sponsered by a carp bait company for about 13 years now. As I am an angler and a biologist I have over the years had a lot of input into the design of a lot of commercially avaliable baits supplied by this company.


Knowing what I know about how fish locate food and their dietary needs from an anglers and a biology point of view the Carp mag articles give me a good laugh when I occasionally look at them.


One thing that none of them seem to tell keen unexperienced anglers is that the most important thing in angling is where you put the bait, not what the bait is.


Anyway, enough rambling on from me.


All the best




I'm tempted to buy one myself, heard nothing but praise about them...nice to see your keeping active anyway moocher :good:


Go for it mate, you won't be dissapointed. I really am impressed with it so far.

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Thank for the reply Moocher, nice to talk to an angler with a brain :good: .......your spot on mate about the here today gone tomorrow anglers......and some of the stuff they write in mags :laugh: allways makes me smile.

As for the latest wonder bait :laugh::laugh: ....its great to read aint it :D

Keep the pics coming if you feel like it, have a good season mate.


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Hey mooch, glad your still knockin about. I havea canon 300D. had it over a year now and its a very nice bit of kit. Took some very good pics with it. So much more versatile than the old film cameras. Digital pics make everything so much easier, but i am glad i learnt on the old film cameras. makes me appreciate how good the digi's are. Get a good wide angle for your pics mate, you can do some very good shots with it from unusual angles...

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Hey mooch, glad your still knockin about. I havea canon 300D. had it over a year now and its a very nice bit of kit. Took some very good pics with it. So much more versatile than the old film cameras. Digital pics make everything so much easier, but i am glad i learnt on the old film cameras. makes me appreciate how good the digi's are. Get a good wide angle for your pics mate, you can do some very good shots with it from unusual angles...


Mr Darcy, nice to hear from you.


I am still keeping my hand in here and there.


Had to smile the other week when talking to some dog lads at the Lichfield Bower.

They were talking about books, and don't blush, they were raving about all yours.


In fact, the biggest roughest geezer amongst them made some comment to the effect of "That Dig deep mate, it's proper wanking material!"


Now there my friend is a compliment :blink:


It been a long time since I used an SLR but it's all coming back to me. Seeing the quality of your pictures I will heed your advise mate.


All the best



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Had a river common out last night, only about 7 or 8lb but the river fish do go well, will prebait for a few nights before I try it again in a few weeks time, everyone uses what we call shittyboilee 15k for about £20 if I remember right, first time fishing this year due to hunting. Thousands of UK carpfishermen come over here for the private lakes and pay a fair whack, and yet the river is peanuts to fish!. Heard the other week about some local catfishermen who are doing very well also. None of it is private either. :):good: When I sell this house I might have to punt it to fishermen, river views (just) the river is 200yds away, hardly fished and has carp 50-60lb god knows what, catfish sturgeon zander.

Is it not closed season on rivers around your way mate??? :whistle:

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Had a river common out last night, only about 7 or 8lb but the river fish do go well, will prebait for a few nights before I try it again in a few weeks time, everyone uses what we call shittyboilee 15k for about £20 if I remember right, first time fishing this year due to hunting. Thousands of UK carpfishermen come over here for the private lakes and pay a fair whack, and yet the river is peanuts to fish!. Heard the other week about some local catfishermen who are doing very well also. None of it is private either. :):good: When I sell this house I might have to punt it to fishermen, river views (just) the river is 200yds away, hardly fished and has carp 50-60lb god knows what, catfish sturgeon zander.



Sounds like heaven mate :good:

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