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well can't go wrong with the T8 though i understand you can't take it apart for cleaning..(am i right?) but for my money i'd go for one of those ASE ultra muzzle mounted cans...


Just for the record I don't actually shoot fullbore, i just read a lot ;)

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Um, he's talking about a scope...


They're OK, but I couldn't get on with the eye relief. I'll sell you mine for a very good price if you like, some marks from use, but AFAIK perfectly sound in operation. Not used it for a while..

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well can't go wrong with the T8 though i understand you can't take it apart for cleaning..(am i right?) but for my money i'd go for one of those ASE ultra muzzle mounted cans...


Just for the record I don't actually shoot fullbore, i just read a lot ;)


it sounds to me you need to do alot more reading before you give a people info that you no nothing about .



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Um, he's talking about a scope...


They're OK, but I couldn't get on with the eye relief. I'll sell you mine for a very good price if you like, some marks from use, but AFAIK perfectly sound in operation. Not used it for a while..


Heck..... how did i get to talking about that :blink: as for the viper.... as with a lot of things it may look good for the money and maybe it is, but i'd steer clear of them and get a European fixed or variable scope, they'll be much more expensive but at lest you know that when you increase the magnification your POI won't change.... you've also got to ask yourself... di i really need 24x mag??? my guess is no, unless you're intending on shooting mosquitoes :D :D i'd say that for deer as i'm guessing that's what it's for 9 or 12x mag will be more than enough.... even for foxes, have a look also at the leopols clopes, they look pretty good value to me.... :D

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well can't go wrong with the T8 though i understand you can't take it apart for cleaning..(am i right?) but for my money i'd go for one of those ASE ultra muzzle mounted cans...


Just for the record I don't actually shoot fullbore, i just read a lot ;)


it sounds to me you need to do alot more reading before you give a people info that you no nothing about .



that's a bit harsh mate? :( knowing information and having experience is different.... I read, talk to people in the know, soak up the info and regurgitate it onto forums like this :D sure I don't have experience to back up my opinions, but I've got the theory covered ;) is there a problem with that?

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well can't go wrong with the T8 though i understand you can't take it apart for cleaning..(am i right?) but for my money i'd go for one of those ASE ultra muzzle mounted cans...


Just for the record I don't actually shoot fullbore, i just read a lot ;)


it sounds to me you need to do alot more reading before you give a people info that you no nothing about .



that's a bit harsh mate? :( knowing information and having experience is different.... I read, talk to people in the know, soak up the info and regurgitate it onto forums like this :D sure I don't have experience to back up my opinions, but I've got the theory covered ;) is there a problem with that?


i think you find there's a big difference between a MTC VIPER 6-24X 56 and a T8 or a ASE ultra muzzle mounted cans.



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Um, he's talking about a scope...


They're OK, but I couldn't get on with the eye relief. I'll sell you mine for a very good price if you like, some marks from use, but AFAIK perfectly sound in operation. Not used it for a while..

cheer's logic but not sure what i want at the moment .

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well can't go wrong with the T8 though i understand you can't take it apart for cleaning..(am i right?) but for my money i'd go for one of those ASE ultra muzzle mounted cans...


Just for the record I don't actually shoot fullbore, i just read a lot ;)


it sounds to me you need to do alot more reading before you give a people info that you no nothing about .



that's a bit harsh mate? :( knowing information and having experience is different.... I read, talk to people in the know, soak up the info and regurgitate it onto forums like this :D sure I don't have experience to back up my opinions, but I've got the theory covered ;) is there a problem with that?


i think you find there's a big difference between a MTC VIPER 6-24X 56 and a T8 or a ASE ultra muzzle mounted cans.




*sigh*- read my other post above- I've done this a couple of times- just wasn't thinking when I read/wrote the post- I have remedied my mistake...

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well can't go wrong with the T8 though i understand you can't take it apart for cleaning..(am i right?) but for my money i'd go for one of those ASE ultra muzzle mounted cans...


Just for the record I don't actually shoot fullbore, i just read a lot ;)


it sounds to me you need to do alot more reading before you give a people info that you no nothing about .



that's a bit harsh mate? :( knowing information and having experience is different.... I read, talk to people in the know, soak up the info and regurgitate it onto forums like this :D sure I don't have experience to back up my opinions, but I've got the theory covered ;) is there a problem with that?



sorry mate but in my humble opinion you can read and soak up all the theory you want and educate yourself to a certain level but you just CANNOT beat experience or hands on in any form.

ive come across this in many forms especially my work where people proceed to advise other swithout any experience but ive read aload of books....result? ....if i hadnt stepped in 90% chance they might have killed themselves.


lets face it ...thats the problem these days lack of apprenticeships etc.......your car brakes are totally goosed ...do you let your next door neighbour fix them coz hes read up on it ......or do you get your other neighbour whose a time servrd mechanic fix em?? v bear in mind you may have wife or kids or grandkids in same car which may or may not now be a death trap with buggered brakes.



reading up on a subject is commendable but IMHO shouldnt be dishing out advice unless you have practible experience on a subject.



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