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How high is this pheasant?

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Okay, I'm in a bit of debate with someone regarding the shooting high birds. My maximum range would be to around 40-50 yards and nothing higher. The person in question has limits that are far more optimistic than mine. There is a video I found on with one gun taking a high bird. It's a european video by the look of it.

The sequence is from 1:24-1:28 What range would you say this bird was taken at?





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Most european woodland trees dont grow over 70 feet and if you can assume the best of these birds were flying no more than 20 feet over the tree tops - 70 + 20 = 90 divided by 3 gives around 30 yards up.


I'm afraid people tend to get carried away with the height of birds because looking up into clear sky gives us no yardstick for distances compared to ground measurements



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its alway tough guessing range from video but i'd say thy was around the 50yrd markish.


I used to shoot on a shoot that had birds like that and lots of them, all the guns used 30" barrels with no4 in them and to this day people dont believe me when i say i used to use 4s on phesant.

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most folk who say they shot a tall birds at 55 or 60 yards infact have shot a bird thats only 40 yards or so, 99 percent of shooters well over estimate vertical distances.... as for the bird in question, i dont think it was that high, it was shot well out in front and as u saw it landed at there feet, so id go for 40 yards.... how many have used the eley shooters diary bird distance gauge??? a 60 yard birds is tiny...........

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I think the best indication is the time taken for them to hit the deck as thats real time and not a distorted by the camera.


;) I'm sure some super smart person on here can quote a time it would take a bird to drop from 50 yds or so ;)


I know, too many variables :D

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