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When i was a kid, i watched all the good Carttons,...He-Man, Thundercats, Visionairies (spl??)

It was simple stuff...the good guys where all good looking blokes, or fit lass' with big boobs, and the bad guys where horrible monsters, with bad skin and eyes..

The bad guys done bad things, and then the good guys beat the shit out of them, and thats was the end... :good::D ..just like real life!.. :D


Nowadays, cartoons are just mindless rubbish!...i seen this one on TV the other day...no shit, it was called "Hyper Planet Ninja Monkeys..Go!" or summat along them lines!?...what the F :o K!...I dont have kids of my own, but if i catch the wifes kids watching it, they get 30 press ups and a clipped ear..

And dont get me started on "Sponge-Bob"...whats the world coming too!?..

Wheres Liono and Cheetara beating the crap out of Mumra these days?... :yes::good:


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Guest Geordie

Cow and chicken :good:


the lyrics go something like:-

'Momma had a chicken,momma had a cow,

Dad was proud,he didnt know how?


And its not too hard to see why the kids get easily confused :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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kye i was brought up on finger bobs ,banana splits,and the one where footprints appeared in the sand .........if your old enough you will know what i mean ............

we were happy with finger puppets ........kids today got loads fo stuff and have you seen the state of them?????????/


knock a door run,cricket and footy games that lasted all day

hide and seek ,fighting with the salford over spills .........my youth was great .............

yis fellman

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I remember thundercats, thundercats hoooooooo :icon_redface: I watch cartoons today with my girl and love Spongebob, I have also converted her to the Simpsons but my wife doesn't think its appropriate for a 3 year old :whistle:


Fellman, we used to do knock a door run and cat crawling, anyone remember that? You used to try and climb through/over people gardens to the end of the street. :D

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  fellman said:
we used to play that shortly after to fAT TO RUN :D

At least the fat lads had the momentum to carry them faster than those with the short little legs . :D


  Simoman said:
I remember thundercats, thundercats

Feel the magic, hear the roar...

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  ChrisJones said:
  fellman said:

we used to play that shortly after to fAT TO RUN :D

At least the fat lads had the momentum to carry them faster than those with the short little legs . :D


  Simoman said:
I remember thundercats, thundercats

Feel the magic, hear the roar...

....Thunder cats are loose :laugh:

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Guest fuzzylampkin
  baldie said:
Pipkins :D mr ben :blink: mary, mungo, and midge,the herbs, not cartoons , i know, but they all bring happy memories back.

mr ben he was that cross dresser bloke werent he?

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