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.22 for dispatching fox

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Have you considered one of these no FAC required http://www.brnoguns.co.uk/captive.htm

just a thought and relatively cheap saying that though i have a hushpower 12g and used with subsonics very quiet indeed.

not sure sticking your hand in a cage to use that would be wise

I agree if you are not used to handling live foxes you will get bitten.

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As we all know, pistols in the general sense are banned outright. But the one main exemption to the law is for humane despatch of quarry. This is why Gamekeepers, Terriermen, Stalkers and others are granted them to help them perform their duties more effectively.


If you put your case forward to your licensing department that the only way you can conduct your business humanely and unobtrusively is to have a .22LR with a moderator on to despatch Foxes in cage traps, then they are legally bound to grant it unless they can find fault with your "good reason"


The only thing which I can see as being a problem is when you begin to mention built up areas and .22LR. The calibre has a very bad reputation for ricochet. This is the only stumbling block I can see.


Take some advice from both your Licensing Department and BASC/CA if you are a member, see what they say.


In these circumstances, your FAC would need to be Open from the start so you are unrestricted as to where you use it.


A .410 Hushpower with normal cartridges makes little audible difference in a built up area, and a 3" subsonic load is going to do your traps no good if you miss.


SS :thumbs:

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As we all know, pistols in the general sense are banned outright. But the one main exemption to the law is for humane despatch of quarry. This is why Gamekeepers, Terriermen, Stalkers and others are granted them to help them perform their duties more effectively.


If you put your case forward to your licensing department that the only way you can conduct your business humanely and unobtrusively is to have a .22LR with a moderator on to despatch Foxes in cage traps, then they are legally bound to grant it unless they can find fault with your "good reason"


The only thing which I can see as being a problem is when you begin to mention built up areas and .22LR. The calibre has a very bad reputation for ricochet. This is the only stumbling block I can see.


Take some advice from both your Licensing Department and BASC/CA if you are a member, see what they say.


In these circumstances, your FAC would need to be Open from the start so you are unrestricted as to where you use it.


A .410 Hushpower with normal cartridges makes little audible difference in a built up area, and a 3" subsonic load is going to do your traps no good if you miss.


SS :thumbs:


Would a Humane dispatch tool be acceptable? I know they require FAC. I've used a Hilti attaching tool with .32 ACP cartridges and it had no problems with 1/2" steel plate! Might be worth asking your FEO


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No doubt someone here will flame me for this, but I've always found a legal-power air rifle to be more than up to the job for dispatching caged foxes. Obviously totally unsuitable at any other range than point blank!

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No doubt someone here will flame me for this, but I've always found a legal-power air rifle to be more than up to the job for dispatching caged foxes. Obviously totally unsuitable at any other range than point blank!


you may well be told there is a law that says you cant use a air rifle to do this BUT there is no law against it

.but you are not allowed to shoot at foxes that are freely walking about . caged foxes at point blank range you are as i carry this out a lot of days a week in my job. as advised by my fao .when i applied for a 22 pistol for the job and was refused.

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i agree .22 are notorious for richoet but i would have thought the pellets from a shotgun would either smash up the trap or bounce back , and some what messy at point blank i would think, which is not good wwhen you are in the public eye.

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thanks all, lots of ideas there


my .410 is a side by side can you get a silencer for a double?


i think i will call basc as i am a member and see what they say also the local fao to get his thoughts on it


that captive bolt thing looks abit short for my liking dont fancy trying to grab hold of a scared fox to use it


to anyone who has a .17hmr, how quiet are these when fitted with a moderator?


thanks again

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