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Getting my lurcher back to fitness after injury

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My bitch is due to finally be off lead walks after a stopper pad injury that just wouldnt heal. it happened at christmas and was opened up and restitched twice. After the last time i have kept her lead walks for the past 7 weeks. The injury seems healed and she is raring to go next week when the 8 weeks is up.


She has had a lot of excersize on and off the road but hasnt been off the lead for 8 weeks. What i want to avoid is her going crazy as soon as she gets off the lead, i will walk her seperate from the others, away from quarry and keep the stopper bandaged whenever she is out. is there anything else i can do or not do?



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Buy one of the injury boots that are all over the place now. It helped my dog to stop ripping his open again after he cut it on glass.


i have used vetwrap before are the boots better? She must have full movement in it so she can run and get fit?

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My bitch is due to finally be off lead walks after a stopper pad injury that just wouldnt heal. it happened at christmas and was opened up and restitched twice. After the last time i have kept her lead walks for the past 7 weeks. The injury seems healed and she is raring to go next week when the 8 weeks is up.


She has had a lot of excersize on and off the road but hasnt been off the lead for 8 weeks. What i want to avoid is her going crazy as soon as she gets off the lead, i will walk her seperate from the others, away from quarry and keep the stopper bandaged whenever she is out. is there anything else i can do or not do?




I'd say you have answered your own post pretty well with sensible advice.

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