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coyote dogs

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  oldskool said:
fecksake dan you have us spoilt :notworthy:




do you ever hear of anybody importin coyote dogs to the uk for foxes or anything???

I was thinking that the other day after one of the other threads. :hmm: They'd be beasts on foxes I reckon.



Another great thread guys! :notworthy:

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  oldskool said:
fecksake dan you have us spoilt :notworthy:




do you ever hear of anybody importin coyote dogs to the uk for foxes or anything???



Spot on, what great fox+deer dogs they would have made pre Ban. ;);)

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Great thread fellas, got to say that I love the look of these hounds real rough n ready looking dogs.


Think it's worth remembering the saying "beauty is as beauty does" we often seem to get a bit quick to judge a dog on it's looks which is fine if your just keeping them for their appearence but when your trying to work difficult ground and hard quarry then ability alone should be all that counts if he looks good as well then that's a bonus.


Is the old coyote coursing difficult to get into in that are there good numbers around to ensure the dogs a decent bit of work and are most of the landowners happy to let you hunt them ??


All the best fellas,



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just a quick one dan how common are the coyotes are they all over the us or in pockets,if you went out hunting for the day how many would you see roughly .

and do you lamp them or is that illegal in the us



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Fellas, dont worry about Ol STUNTMAN, he and Dan are brothers from another mother. That stag is built right, the ones that arent dont last long as they either cant catch coyotes or break themselves up running in the hard ground.


I have had folks ask about sending stags to the UK, and have no idea what it would take. Perhaps others who have brought dogs there can speak on the issue. Most stags are gifted from hunter to hunter, so the cost of a pup would be minimal at best.


Coyotes are everywhere and the population grows every year. There are folks here that are employed by the govt (mostly in the west) to kill coyotes 365 days a year. They can live in Los Angelos California and in the most remote wilderness. They are adaptable, and get harder to catch every year!

Most landowners welcome coyote hunters, and we have lots of open land anyone can hunt. Coyotes can be hunted 24/7 365. They are called, decoyed, run with hounds, run with stags, shot from planes, trapped and poisoned and still they prevail...amazing animals really and worthy of respect, IMO.


Take care.

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Thanks for throwing that pic up of him also rocks.


The cost of a staghound pup would most likely be free or close to it like uphill said but just the cost of gettin one over there would be tough. I think you fellas got all the necessary ingredients already there. You dont hear alot of the this cross by this cross over here. The good staghound guys which there aint many, breed good coyote dog to good coyote dog no matter what the initial cross was or were. Same way with the jackrabbit fellas. They just breed good jack rabbit dog to good jack rabbit dog. Pretty much though if your dog can do jackrabbits and coyotes, a fox is a given and there are dogs that can do it all. I was told by Rocks that my yella dog aint a good jack rabbit dog but he can catch the odd one. I just dont think he cares but if you seen him close on a coyote, its amazing.


Had one caught last night but he caught him right next to a corn crib and when he flipped him the damn coyote ran right under the crib. I got to excited like I usually do and jumped under there and tried to get the yote by the tail and rip him out but I couldnt reach him. So, anyhow I went around the side and pulled the old rotten board off and laid on my side and with even think if the dogs were in the right spot, I wacked him in the grape with the board and he shot out of there like his ass was on fire. None of the dogs saw it and I lost the sumbitch. My good young july dog ran that b*****d hard and then he crossed after about a 5 or 6 mile race and the yella dog bailed out of the truck and he was about 100 yards from the yote and the yote was about 100 yards from the crib. I knew he wasnt gonna get him before the crib but he caught the b*****d but while the coyote was flippin my dog missed the take and the yote shot right under the crib. All in all though it was my fault cause my buddy was with me and he could have held the yella dog at the other end and I could have poked him out and my buddy could have slipped him on him and it would have been over before I got back on my feet. But.......I just get to wound up sometimes and dont think. Sorry no pics cause I am a dumbass.

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