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Quad pod sticks

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I think the drawbacks outweigh the benefits.

They look like they give you substantial stability, but the time taken to deploy etc, potential additional movement, noise..

I'd stick to standard shooting sticks, or if needs must, a three leg shooting stick.

Like Dixy...I'll stick to my 12 quid specials..Which do for me, for all but the windiest, longest shots. On these days, its bipod or nothing.



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I think the drawbacks outweigh the benefits.

They look like they give you substantial stability, but the time taken to deploy etc, potential additional movement, noise..

I'd stick to standard shooting sticks, or if needs must, a three leg shooting stick.

Like Dixy...I'll stick to my 12 quid specials..Which do for me, for all but the windiest, longest shots. On these days, its bipod or nothing.



where did you get the ones in pic :thumbs:

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I don't own a pair,but,I did meet the guy that makes them at the Midland,and,I tried them out,I was amazed how easy they were to use,and,to deploy,he also offered them to me,at a knock down price of(I think)£40.00.I was also with Basil at the time.................Martin.

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Not quite sure why anyone needs to spend hard earned cash in large sums for stalking sticks that are sooooo easy to make..


Pop along to your local garden centre and pick up three of their green metal support sticks that about 5 foot long.


Then pop over to your local dairy farm and ask him for the inner lining from a milking suction cap (they change them quite often). Then off to your DIY shop for a length of pipe lagging foam


TOTAL cost sticks - £6 pipe lagging £2 -- job done


Here is a picture of mine. I have attached to the sticks a complete inner tube. All you do is cut off the long bit of it and use the bulbous bit to keep either 2 or 3 sticks together



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I bought the X3M1(two) sticks for about £10.00 when they were on offer at Litt's about 2years ago. They are brilliant, quiet and easy to adjust. They also fit easily in the boot of your vehicle when shortened


The tri-pods seem to find a lot of use when shooting driven boar, they use two sets as a gun rest. At least they did in Beaune when we were over there.



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