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Hi, my name is Sam, I'm interested in starting hunting, so I found this forum!


The only rifle (if you can even call it that) experience I have is with a .22 air rifle plinking tin cans and the like in the back yard!


Nice too see such a large community!

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Hi guys thanks for the warm welcome. :D


My air rifle fires at around 10 Ft/Lbs, it's the QB 78 if that helps! I'd love to hunt with it but I'm not sure if it'd be powerful enough.


I think I'd like to start hunting with proper rifles! How do I go about starting this? I am 18, so I believe I am of legal age to own a rifle, but that's about as far as my knowledge goes! I live down a street with quite a few houses, so not very rural!


Just looking for advice on where to start, where I can look for local hunting clubs etc!

Edited by Ramsy
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Ok, I've looked at stuff for getting a firearms certificate and it seems might complicated! I've contacted my local target shooting place to ask if I can pop in and chat with them first, seems I don't know enough yet!


I am wanting to do some plinking with my air rifle somewhere a little quieter, as I sometimes feel I may be annoying neighbours by plinking in my back yard, it isn't the loudest of air rifles, but nobody wants to hear tin cans bouncing around all day! Is it reasonable to find a quiet corner of a field and start plinking, or could that land me in trouble? :blink: Also as for transporting the air rifle, do I need a rifle bag or would using anything to cover it up be acceptable? (i.e. bin bags! Something I used during my airsoft'ing days)


Thanks for any help!

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just get a gun bag there cheep enuff dont have it loaded and dont walk in the local shop with it stick to back roads and dont have it out in the feilds if a old biddy is waking her yorkie try and find sum land somwhere that you can use try on some rats and that works round my area when i first started with my guns

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