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name and shame

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I cant believe some people on here..................they make my piss boil.


It wasn't that long ago everyone was celebrating (myself included) because a huntsman had his conviction overturned, yes a conviction. We are all supposed to be hunters and if Turk hunted a seagull then so be it.....fcuking hell get your heads out of your own arses. Some folks are so full of themselves they are fit to burst.


I'd stick my neck on the line and say that 99% of people have taken a species they shouldn't have whether its something thats protected or something out of season.


Not one of you have the right to judge Turk without knowing the true facts of his case.........i just hope none of you ever find yourself in the shit with this bunch of arseholes calling themselves the RSPCA. Some people on here are just as bad as them.....no smoke without fire etc etc.


Far too many judgemental nitpicking hypocrites on this site.

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I cant believe some people on here..................they make my piss boil.


It wasn't that long ago everyone was celebrating (myself included) because a huntsman had his conviction overturned, yes a conviction. We are all supposed to be hunters and if Turk hunted a seagull then so be it.....fcuking hell get your heads out of your own arses. Some folks are so full of themselves they are fit to burst.


I'd stick my neck on the line and say that 99% of people have taken a species they shouldn't have whether its something thats protected or something out of season.


Not one of you have the right to judge Turk without knowing the true facts of his case.........i just hope none of you ever find yourself in the shit with this bunch of arseholes calling themselves the RSPCA. Some people on here are just as bad as them.....no smoke without fire etc etc.


Far too many judgemental nitpicking hypocrites on this site.


Well done, this post makes perfect sense and very true.


Your second post however is very wrong.



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Just for the record,the police dont need evidence to enter your property and remove your pc,they just do it if thet have reasonable 'suspicion' that you have done something wrong.

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Turk ... true or false ... You were not convicted of any legal wrongdoings, it was the dogs that were the issue. your dogs were destroyed because they were proven to be bull breeds, correct? (when I say proven, I mean that the RSPCA had an "expert" say that they were bull breeds or heavy bull crosses.)

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yes they proved they was pit bull type dog i got a caution for them i got a 360 fine for flying the bird because they found evidance on the computer of the birds flying when they raided me

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Turk a computer is not the place to tell everyone your buisness believe me mate this thread will do you no good whatsoever :no:


but on the other hand these fools who do grass on fellow sportman shame on you off with there heads :wallbash:

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Well... Turk my deepest sympathies are with you mate!


Yet MORE sl*mey f*****g grasser's on THL, makes me sick to my bleedin' stomach, and to think there's people on here saying we need to be lenient towards grassers!!! like what we had in another thread recently oh this fella is OK because he was only grassing someone up for breeding noisy dogs next door!


NO.... A grasser is a grasser simple as that! and I for one hope this fella who's grassed Turk up gets everything that's coming too him... and then some!!!


Sorry to hear it Turk, all the best and I hope you get some sort of reparation out of all of this mate.


I was going to reply but i cant be arsed after reading the witch finder generals comment..

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fucksake ive got eye strain after reading all that!! at the end of the day even if turk was in the wrong or doing sumat wrong you dont f*****g grass just to be a c**t end of! and i live by the saying what comes around goes around! ;) i have know turk for a while now and he is a genuine fella who would help anyone in a fix so to be shit on like that takes the piss and for all the dogs to be put down makes me feel sick personally i would do something to the bloke for every dog that was put to sleep and more!! :angry: as for that post that tikka put about you turk even if you havent worked :lazy: lol or anything your still a decent fella who thrives from being with his dogs and spending time with his kids as there permanently super glued to you :D f**k em all all the best mate :) :friends: :hunter: saw this little fella and reminded me of you with the seagull hahaha :angel:

Edited by NICOLA
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I think most of you watch too many gangster and prision films...............we don't like grasses,we will do this to them and that to them.FFS.


Sorry to hear about the dogs fellow,but has been said airing it on a public forum is not going to do you any favours mate. ;)

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I know ov turk and i knw ov tikka,

tikka has evry right 2 be named and shamed,

its because ov pepoel like this tikka that we get such a bad name!

this tikka is a very nasty horrible n very jelious person..

he diserves a real good fuc*ing dose and lets just hope karma does bite the prik on the arse!

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I know ov turk and i knw ov tikka,

tikka has evry right 2 be named and shamed,

its because ov pepoel like this tikka that we get such a bad name!

this tikka is a very nasty horrible n very jelious person..

he diserves a real good fuc*ing dose and lets just hope karma does bite the prik on the arse!

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