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Frontline spray

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Notice some ticks on my ferrets neck so just wondering if anyone knows where i can get some Frontline spray from online? or can you only get it prescribed by the vet? i got some spot on here but don't think it be suitable cause theres 2 ferrets in the cage so the other one will be able to get at it which can't be anygood for them if they get it in their mouths?

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Notice some ticks on my ferrets neck so just wondering if anyone knows where i can get some Frontline spray from online? or can you only get it prescribed by the vet? i got some spot on here but don't think it be suitable cause theres 2 ferrets in the cage so the other one will be able to get at it which can't be anygood for them if they get it in their mouths?



spot on works on my ferts

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We use the Frontline on the ferrets here ( Ferret Rescue ), we just get the Frontline drops, but only put one drop onto the ferret. Never had a problem. Getting it from the Chemist now, over the counter.

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